Fermented Feeds

This question is directed at those who do, not are planning to do. I am currently feeding my hatchery flock fermented feed. I ferment in three containers. The food ferments for three days I rotate the buckets. I get about 10-11 eggs a day right now out of nineteen 9-1/2 month old pullets. My birds are dirty from the ash bowl in the coop but they seem to have good vigor. In other words they are healthy, as far as I know with my limited experience.

I want to feed my new Heritage Ancona chicks fermented feed next month when they arrive. I must admit it scares the crap out of me! Currently my mix is whole corn, wheat bran, alfalfa, whole steamed oats, rolled barley in equal parts with 5% fish meal and 5% BOSS. I am thinking this might be too large for my chicks to handle and I could start the chicks on un-medicated starter for a few weeks than offer some of my fermented feed slowly.

Please can those of you with experience advise.

You can ferment the non-medicated chick starter and feed that to them for up to 20 weeks or more. That is what I have been doing with my small flock. I use simply chick starter and water, no additives, no ACV, no grains. Start in a bucket with a fairly wet mash, the feed will absorb the water, add more as necessary and stir twice a day. It will ferment in about 3 days and you can feed that out to your chicks for as long as you choose.
You can ferment the non-medicated chick starter and feed that to them for up to 20 weeks or more. That is what I have been doing with my small flock. I use simply chick starter and water, no additives, no ACV, no grains. Start in a bucket with a fairly wet mash, the feed will absorb the water, add more as necessary and stir twice a day. It will ferment in about 3 days and you can feed that out to your chicks for as long as you choose.

Love this. Got me chicks coming in March. Going to do exactly this.
Love this. Got me chicks coming in March. Going to do exactly this.

I make a big enough batch to last about 4 days of feeding, then with about 2 cups of water and feed left, I just refresh the bucket usually in the evening and it is fully fermented again by the time I serve breakfast. It works great for me. I only have 4 hens, 21 weeks and have gotten my first 2 eggs this week!
Medicated feed does not contain any antibiotics,what it contains is Amprolium,which is a thiamine blocker to control coccidiosis(parasite needs thiamine to reproduce,stop reproduction and parasite comes under control),but this is not a guarantee that chicks will not have an overload/outbreak of coccidiosis.

The concern regarding fermenting medicated feed is diluting the amprolium,dilute the amprolium and your chicks are getting no benefit from medicated feed.
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What i did when my birds were chicks is i added warm water to medicated feed(so it resembled oatmeal)once a day,usually in the morning,most chicks love this and it does encourage eating,but i always had medicated chick crumbles available at all times.

I started fermenting feed after mine were off medicated feed,but i still have crumbles available to them all day,as not all my birds love fermented feed,this way i have no worries as to whether they are eating enough. This is a personal preference and not all do this,but for me and my birds it works,i have never had any health issues and all my birds are healthy,beautiful,friendly chickens.
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