Fermented Feeds

Linda B220, GameBird feed or Grower feed mash is a good idea to boost protein if feeding mostly Ferment or fodder. What kind of meat do you put out? Cooked or raw? Cat food or your left overs? Fish, beef?

At what age do you start them on Layer feed with the high Calcium in it. Ag scientists say too much calcium too young can cause kidney problems. Most say not till 4-5 months or once they start to lay. Use Grower/Developer/Broiler feed until then.

I would go very light on the BOSS because it is so much fiber like whole oats and can fill them up quicker before they get enough good high nutrient dense food.

As I mentioned, a science teacher I know does an experiment with his class each year on chicks feeding different protein content food until they are 4 months old and weighs them to see development and it makes a significant benefit to get more protein in them and less really slows down their development.

But for lots of us here were are not in a race like a commercial farm and more about having fun, and happy chickens, so I am not saying here is how it has to be, just sharing my experience and study. I like them laying and developing sooner, but not too soon which can happen too.

Right now, I'm using layer feed until I can get to the store. I'm stingy with the BOSS. Maybe a couple of cups to 5 gallon bucket. In fact I made it today and forgot the azomite. Have to add later. I do feed meat 2-3 times a week. Something like roast chopped up and veggies or ground beef. I don't do raw. I could but just haven't . My daughter (whom I live with) owns a dog grooming and boarding shop. We have dogs barking all the time. I wonder if it deters the coons. I haven't seen any lately. I have 11 9 day olds super blue egg layers. SBEL's and 2 newbie at 2 days old. All are on Fermented feed.
My chickens LOVE cat food and will sneak inside to check out the cat's plate. They don't get much but it makes me think they aren't getting enough protein. They are on starter organic food but I don't see a % protein on the bag. Does anyone know what too much protein would do to a chicken?
too much protein too young can Damage their kidneys.

But adding a little fish or fishmeal very small amount would be fine.

But you can buy higher protein chick starter no doubt or game bird feed 24% -30% protein. Which some add to their feeds.

Chickens are not vegetarian they are omnivores by nature.
Most definitely! My cat is usually content with a sniff, but since the chickens love her food, she had to actually sample some of theirs. She even nibbled at the bread I was feeding them.
I started a new batch of FF yesterday (I had put beet stems in the 1st batch & they stopped liking it) with the lid slightly ajar and discovered last night that it was also a fly trap. There were 5 dead flies floating. Should I fish them out?
I started a new batch of FF yesterday (I had put beet stems in the 1st batch & they stopped liking it) with the lid slightly ajar and discovered last night that it was also a fly trap. There were 5 dead flies floating. Should I fish them out?

You can leave a few flies in there, but I wouldn't make a habit of it. I read they can cause some type of worm (tapeworm maybe?). I can't remember. You can cover it with a towel or an old nylon stocking if you still want air flow with a bug barrier.
I did not know I could give my chicks azomite. i have a big bag i use in my garden. I am doing my first 5 gal bucket of FF using barley, vinegar, chick food so you say I can add a cup of azomite to my mixture even if it is already 3 days in the fermenting stage?

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