Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I would just add a little at a time to your fermentation mash. Allowing the mash to ferment with LAB or ACV or natural yogurt will convert the sugar and corn syrup alcohol to good probiotics, no problem for your chickens. I ferment my mash for 4 days, I add molasses to the mash, by the time I feed the FF there is no longer any alcohol in the mash.

Oh my. Glad I didn't see your post until I'd already round-filed the mix. LOL. I'd probably have 4 separate containers all set up, taking up room in my kitchen cupboard, so I can rotate and have mash available every day....
I really hate the perf.. er perVectionist gene from my dad. You know, I stole the spare air pump from the fish stuff, and am piping air into it, so I don't have to stir. Yeah, a little OCD. I'd be heading to the pet store, ready to shell out for a 4-way air splitter and more air line... NONONONO!
I'll just rest for a moment, in the joy of all that work, so narrowly avoided... Ah....
I have been feeding fermented feed (with ACV) for past three weeks. My cornish cross are a little over 8 wks today and we are butchering on Saturday. Is it normal for them to be HUGE?! One of the biggest tips the scale at 10 lbs and most of the others are over 8!? There is only one or two smaller ones who are about 6 lbs! I've only fed them twice per day and this week I have cut their feed in half! Also do you just keep adding feed to the liquid that is left? That's what I have been doing?
I have been feeding fermented feed (with ACV) for past three weeks. My cornish cross are a little over 8 wks today and we are butchering on Saturday. Is it normal for them to be HUGE?! One of the biggest tips the scale at 10 lbs and most of the others are over 8!? There is only one or two smaller ones who are about 6 lbs! I've only fed them twice per day and this week I have cut their feed in half! Also do you just keep adding feed to the liquid that is left? That's what I have been doing?
How much total feed have you used? What kind of feed are you fermenting? And for how many chickens? At, Would you say, an average of 8 lbs each?
I've used prince non-med starter, and then the last 3 weeks have been using a general flock raiser feed that is made by local feed mill non-medicated. I think the protein percentage is 18%. Probably an 8 lb average I'll know more on Saturday when we butcher.
What I'm getting at is the feed conversion ... (how many lbs of feed per lb of chicken) that's why I asked how much feed used, and how many chickens. I am probably going to raise some meat birds in the near future. I was kind of wondering if the FF helps the feed conversion.

Right now we just have some dual purpose (kind-a) mutt chickens, intended for egg laying. They like the FF better than dry, but they like to range best. so, they eat less feed when they are out.
I have a question! (After lurking for a few days) now that I have started the fermented feed...I need a chicken sitter, to feed the chickens, every time I leave town? When I used dry feed, I filled up the feeder and the waterer and I could leave for three whole days and come back and they still had food and water for one more day.... Now that I ferment I can't set out food like that anymore?? So... The only down side to ff is it has to be fed every day FRESH, NO setting it out for three days while I'm gone! That kinda sucks, but i am hoping the PLUS side of ff make up for that small unconvience.
I have a question! (After lurking for a few days) now that I have started the fermented feed...I need a chicken sitter, to feed the chickens, every time I leave town? When I used dry feed, I filled up the feeder and the waterer and I could leave for three whole days and come back and they still had food and water for one more day.... Now that I ferment I can't set out food like that anymore?? So... The only down side to ff is it has to be fed every day FRESH, NO setting it out for three days while I'm gone! That kinda sucks, but i am hoping the PLUS side of ff make up for that small unconvience.

Actually, I leave for three days as per usual and leave out FF just like dry feed. It doesn't go bad or anything of that nature...they eat it just fine and it's been consumed while I'm gone. Just getting ready to do that very thing today and will be leaving three day's FF, water and a kiss for luck because they free range all the time I'm gone also.

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