Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

How do you collect stinging nettle without getting stung? I hate that stuff....it grows all over the perimeter of our yard.
What they can clean up in 15 minutes with a little left over.

This is a good "rule of thumb" that I have not yet heard, thanks!

I believe God has give us the cure to many (if not most!) sicknesses. (There is a verse that says "My people perish from the lack of knowledge". I believe our lack of knowledge of herbs and such is at least one huge area that fits that verse very well.) My boyfriend's family elders were really active in herbal medicine. Just like in most cases, the younger generations have practically lost that valuable knowledge. I have always been interested in this but it seems hard to find information. It seems like the elders have took this knowledge to the grave with them. Well, this is going to be my new obsession! Lol! Thanks much for your post BlueMouse!

Can anyone recommend any good books on wild plants, edible wild plants, herbs, etc.?

I'm so with you on this :) ! There is actually quite a bit of information out there, especially on the Internet and in book form. Our family has been using herbal remedies for many years now with much success (asthma, constipation, parasites, heartburn, just to name a few). There are lots of reputable & reliable companies (Nature's Sunshine, Beeyoutiful and Bulk Herb Store are some of our favs) out there. The ABC Herbal is a good primer and just recently got a free copy of Mother's Guide to Herbal Extracts (which references The Cure for All Diseases which I'd also like to get my hands on) that was a good little read. Check out this link for herbs that are beneficial for our chooks...


Practical Harbalism was also a good read and has an entire section on the history of medicine, with the rest of the book dedicated to explaining each individual herb's uses. Have fun delving into this fascinating world!
I use my rubber dishwashing gloves to harvest and process it that avoids being "stung" quite nicely. I pluck the larger leaves straight off, then the tender top portion of the stem, and then chop them with my big kitchen knife. a quick rinse of knife and gloves and cutting board gets rid of any excess stingers that might be lingering (I don't think they'll sting once they're separated from the plant, but don't like to take any chances, lol!)

Also, no worries about it it growing back! It's pretty persistent!

I have just started using herbalism to treat myself and my family. I found "The essential herbal for natural health" by Holly Bellabuono a good helpful easy to use introduction.
@ RablinH & BlueMouse... thank you guys for the info. I have dabbled in natural medicine for probably 10 years but I have never took the time to learn about it as thoroughly as I want to. My boyfriend makes fun of me, says I am into "those roots and herbs". lol But he knows it is some legit stuff because so many of his family were into it. One of his great-uncles was so into it that everybody called him Doc. That was a long, long time ago. I wish I knew all that those before us knew.

I will check out all of the references for sure. Thanks again!
How long do you guys allow your feed to sit and ferment? Right now my feed is only in the bucket for 12-18 hours before being fed, but I'd like to start doing larger batches because my 5-week chicks are eating a LOT! Could I do a week's worth of feed at once?
How long do you guys allow your feed to sit and ferment? Right now my feed is only in the bucket for 12-18 hours before being fed, but I'd like to start doing larger batches because my 5-week chicks are eating a LOT! Could I do a week's worth of feed at once?

I don't think I'd do a week's worth in the heat;

I have two buckets, one layer mash, one for chick feed. Layers get fed once a day, in the morning. chicks are fed twice a day, but more in the morning than in the afternoon; I usually refill both buckets after the morning feed; some times I have to refill the chick bucket in the afternoon and sometimes not; depends on how much is left after the second feed. I leave about 1/4-1/3 of the old feed in the bucket when I refill.

You could experiment if you have a big bucket and just a few chicks, mix twice as much as usual and use it down, and see how that goes. I have too many birds to mix up more; my layers are eating most of a 5 gal bucketful a day as it is
How long do you guys allow your feed to sit and ferment? Right now my feed is only in the bucket for 12-18 hours before being fed, but I'd like to start doing larger batches because my 5-week chicks are eating a LOT! Could I do a week's worth of feed at once?
I currently feed about 20 "wet" lbs a day - about 10 lbs out of each of two 5 gallon buckets.
Each bucket has about double the grains I'll need in any given day.
I take out what I need... add my premix...
Then I add approximately the dry grains I've taken out that day - in other words, if I take out 10 lbs of wet, I add back about 4 lbs of dry.
I grind a "batch" at a time every few days... 40 lbs of grains... and then mix my premix in a bucket... about 10 lbs of premix (I keep the dry grains in an old stainless dairy wash sink after they're ground), the premix just stays in the bucket and then each is add to the bucket/bowls on the scale each morning in the right ratio and then mixed.

So... maintaining is easy... simply keep double what you need in the ferment, take out half each day, add that amount back... It's ongoing... I added ACV when I first started FF and the ongoing ferment has been more than enough to keep it going and smelling correct. I keep the buckets in my barn feed room with towels over them.

Hope that helps
I keep the buckets in my barn feed room with towels over them.

Hope that helps ~

I like this idea ~ have been leaving my bucket lid on cockeyed with a couple bricks placed strategically on top. My pullets can get in the feed room through a broken board. Came in one morn after having left the lid off and one of my gals was sitting waist deep in the ff, ha!

Maybe I could secure the towel with a large rubber band...

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