Fertile or Not?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
I have turkey eggs and they are on day 6..There is a large dark blob in the egg and an air sac? Would this egg be fertile they are almost all like this...Does this mean they are fertile if they have an air sac?? I dont see veins but its only day 6? Anyone???
I don't check my eggs till at least the 10th day.Sometimes i go 12-14 days.But at ten days,if i don't see veins,i usually pitch them.
I am in the same boat! Lol. I have 4 turkey eggs, two of them are from the same day and different birds. I want to try cabdling the first two since i started 1&2 on the same day (the tom was sitting on them so I didn't want to wait) and the other 2 are the day after. 1&2 should be starting their day 7 within the next hour according to my hatch-a-batch app. But turkey eggs are so hard to see through! I'm going to wait until it's completely dark to recheck because I couldn't see anything except the air sac. I was wondering the same thing about the air sac; is it fertile with an air sac or do all have them once in the incubator. Good to know that it's not a sure sign. Thanks for the info! :)

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