Fertilized Eggs??

We have 8 hens (4 Americanas, 1 Barred Rock, and 3 Delawares) and 2 roos (1 Delaware and 1 Americana.)

The roos are cooped separately at this time because the ratio is not to the hens advantage. The girls are laying well and I'd like to incubate some eggs. I would like to have more Delaware hens.

I plan to let the Delaware Roo in with the girls a couple of afternoons to get fertility going. After reading this thread, I'm thinking that fertility won't be a sure thing for a couple of days. But then it's a pretty sure thing for at least a week after exposure...correct? I will just incubate the brown eggs, realizing that I may get a mutt Delaware x Barred Rock or two.

I just ordered the small Brinsea with the auto turner - should be here Wednesday. I plan to let him 'party' when the incubator arrives and then an additional 2 days (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday). The Saturday (and following) eggs should be fertile, right?

Also, best way/place to store the first fertile eggs until I have enough to fill the incubator? Should just be a day. And, I don't suppose there's any way to increase my chances of hens over roos?

Thanks in advance!
If you just want Delaware eggs, what about putting all of your Delawares together, and putting the rest of the girls with your Am. roo? You can store your eggs on the counter in your kitchen until you're ready to incubate them. You'll need your fertility info from someone with more experience than I have. good luck. You can store eggs for a week and expect their viability to be good. I think the recommendation is to tilt the carton side to side so they get a bit of rotation 2 - 3 x/day before they go in the bator. Be sure your incubator temps are stable for a day or so before you put the eggs in. I'd let him start his party ASAP. An other option you might think about is: If you are able to let them out to free range for a bit each day, let the Delawares out together to play, then put the roo back in the bachelor pad for the night.
True...I don't want to hatch out my own Americanas. They are a little too scrawny for the stew pot if I get roos. And I have no outlet for males other than the stew pot.
We have 8 hens (4 Americanas, 1 Barred Rock, and 3 Delawares) and 2 roos (1 Delaware and 1 Americana.)

The roos are cooped separately at this time because the ratio is not to the hens advantage. The girls are laying well and I'd like to incubate some eggs. I would like to have more Delaware hens.

I plan to let the Delaware Roo in with the girls a couple of afternoons to get fertility going. After reading this thread, I'm thinking that fertility won't be a sure thing for a couple of days. But then it's a pretty sure thing for at least a week after exposure...correct? I will just incubate the brown eggs, realizing that I may get a mutt Delaware x Barred Rock or two.

I just ordered the small Brinsea with the auto turner - should be here Wednesday. I plan to let him 'party' when the incubator arrives and then an additional 2 days (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday). The Saturday (and following) eggs should be fertile, right?

Also, best way/place to store the first fertile eggs until I have enough to fill the incubator? Should just be a day. And, I don't suppose there's any way to increase my chances of hens over roos?

Thanks in advance!

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