FFA Project - White Leghorns?

What I would look for would be this:

Clear, bright looking eyes
Clean, shiny feathers
Solid and moderately plump (not scrawny or fat)
No runny or snotty noses, goopy eyes, or discharges (other than normal droppings) from the vent
Active and curious
Good yellow color to the skin.

At the ages you'll be looking at their combs will be still smallish and undeveloped without a lot of color to them. Unless they are roosters then they'll have larger combs than the rest.

Ask what they have been feeding. Quality chick starter will help to produce quality birds.
We went and picked up some pullets (I hope) today. He got 11 leghorns, 2 RIR and 1 Gold comet. Some of the leghorns did have a few tiny black spots on them (??), but all look healthy (again, I hope). He is really excited. The gold comet is the cutest. She seems to have a firey personality. He turned them in their new coop and they immediately went to their water and corn. We bought a bag of feed from him, which he said was just ground corn. We will buy some of the starter feed on Monday. Now we just have to get his run built. I believe they are all 8-10 weeks old except for 2 and they are younger. This is our first time with chickens, so we will need lots of advice.
We got 6 leghorns that had been culled at their first moult. Started producing again about a month ago. Now we get a minimum of 5 eggs per day from them. They are more nervous than any other birds we have had, but have lived all their life up until 6 weeks ago in a wire pen as commercial egg layers...One of them has started to venture out into the run a few days ago. Hopefully they will be free ranging by June.
None of our birds set foot out into todays snowstorm..

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