Finally! At NINE months old!!


Real or not real?
10 Years
Jul 11, 2010
Knoxville Area
We got our first egg today!!!

We got three hatchery SLW in May that were supposed to be pullets. One turned out to be a roo. Not just any roo, but a spawn-of-satan-roo. He was a completely stupid bird and would challenge me after being picked up, after being given treats, after being squirted with a hose, even after being "swept" to the other side of the coop. He also tormented the girls. They had to live on the roosts, only being able to sneak and eat when he was out free ranging (when my kids were confined to the house). Needless to say, they weren't much in the mood to give us an egg.

For MONTHS people kept telling me to put cayene pepper in their feed, to switch them from organic, soy-free feed to layer pellets, to put more light in their coop, or to worm them. Deep down, I KNEW that the stupid rooster was the problem!

We finally found a guy to take him. I didn't even ask if he was going on the dinner table or not, I just wanted him gone. Which is saying a lot since I am the biggest softy about animals. After the first week the girls started "talking". I didn't realize how quiet they were when he was around. The second week they started squatting. Then today... TA-DA... our first egg. It was perfect! Perfect shape and shell and laid right in the nesting box. What a great girl.

I'm just so proud.

This is them in November (Long after their hatch-mates were laying)

And the egg
Good stuff! Your silverlaced are gorgeous! I have three. I ended up having two silverlaced roos in my batch of chicks from a farm and both of the roos were evil. My RIR is giving mine a little too much nookie but a least they like him and vice versa. And don't worry about them laying. Mine started late too and I have one RIR who is 10 months old and still hasn't laid.
He might have been a stupid spawn of satan but, um, I think he's very handsome!
What a pity your hens were affected that way. I never heard of anything like that before...
Thanks, guys.

We were pretty excited. We felt like it was the very first egg laid in the history of the earth.

Our rooster really was a handsome fella. He got by on his looks for eight months. Of course, he did have reason to hate us... we named him Chloe...

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