Finally found the treat my chicks LOVE


May 20, 2015
Salt Lake City, utah
BLUE BERRIES! It's like crack for chickens...mine anyways :)

I've tried giving them so many different things, and they don't really care so much, but now, they make those berries disappear before my eyes. They chase each other, try to hide from each other to hurry and gulp it down, and even peck my hand so hard sometimes that it hurts. Blueberries = chicken crack
Hey all

It is amazing how different chickens have different favourite treats .. mine would not eat Blue Berries. I have tried a couple of times and they just turn up their beaks and look at me as if to say “are you serious?”.

While you may already know, I did, however, just want to add a small warning about excessive salt intake via potato chips for any new chicken owners who may be reading this.

Everything in moderation and chickens can suffer from salt poisoning and/or dehydration with excess salt.
Mine love mealworms!

And my black berry bush
I am new, but I am aware of the too much salt situation. I've been trying hard to do my research to make sure I don't feed them anything bad. Thank you for posting because I'm sure there are people out there who aren't aware :)

I figured just a couple of chips crunched into little pieces every once in a while may be okay. I try to give all of my treats in moderation in general so they don't think that my treats are their main food source :)

I tried dried meal worms and only one of my polish liked them. It's so funny how chickens go crazy for different things!

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