Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

when you haven't even ordered yet and your constantly see stuff and saying that would make a great coop/roost/feeder etc or eating dinner and saying darn i wish the chickens were here they would love this <<<insert random scraps
~when you get them a mirror
~when instead of falling asleep counting sheep you fall asleep thinking of new coop plans and chicks
~when they get breakfast every morning before you
~when you go out in the rain to do them in the morning.
~when you go on the computer and google 'chickens.'
When you help your silky (SISSY) up to perch on her bin to feel the heat when the furnice comes on.....she just loves it LOL!
And thats my American Eskie sleeping by her bin...
~when you get them a mirror
~when instead of falling asleep counting sheep you fall asleep thinking of new coop plans and chicks
~when they get breakfast every morning before you
~when you go out in the rain to do them in the morning.
~when you go on the computer and google 'chickens.'
I think everybody does the last three XD
You know you're addicted to chickens when your dh asks to borrow your jacket right quick and the answer is yes but... there's feathers in the top left pocket, and egg in the lower left and half of a biscuit for the girls in the lower right he takes the time to find his own jacket!
you beg your parents to rescue as many battery hens as your house will fit...

you go to check on the girls to make sure they are all ended down at 9 at night...

you don't care if your sister takes all of the money from the eggs you sell...

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