Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you have chicken coop envy.
Wen you spend all your time thinking about them while at work.
When you come home from an evening out, and hubby has put the girls away and you never saw them, don't want to wake them up and then spend a sleepless night worrying that they're gonna think you don't love them anymore cos you weren't there for bedtime!
If you've ever run out barefoot or in your nightie in the rain or in the middle of the night because you thought you heard your first egg song/thought someone's crowing was 'off'..only to be met with 'hey! What are you doing here? Is it treat time?'
YES to all of these! :gig Especially the "everything you see is a potential chicken coop".

...when you look at your female dog and think "I see hackles, she must be a boy."
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