Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you :
haunt BYC
think more about chickens than the fact that your moms pregnant
can't wait 'til your dad builds the coop
constantly annoy your parents about chicken facts
realize your moms only thinking about the fact that you'll be forced to not bite your nails when you get the chickens
find yourself dreaming of one day being a veterinarian and chicken farmer one day
stop talking about them when mom threatens to throw away the ''chicken book'' or not get chicks for you if you don't
read and look at just about anything that looks to deal with chickens
.....and especially when you could continue on FOREVER!!!!!!!!

I definitely can relate to all of these!!
You know that you are addicted to chickens when .......eggs are over taking over your fridge!!

You know that you are addicted to chickens when would rather spend time with them then family members!!

You know that you are addicted to chickens when......your boyfriend buys you gifts for your chickens!!!
You know your addicted to chickens when you wake up in the middle of the night to check the baby chicks.

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