Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

when you go to the store to buy $50 worth of people food but then go to the feed store to buy $200 worth of chicken feed
When on hatch day you think all day for the perfect excuse to tell your husband just in case he wants to have sex that night, so you can stay by the incubator instead....

When people ask you what you want for christmas and you say stuff for my chickens...

when you hide the bank statement from your husband so he dont see the paypal withdraw from the last time you ordered hatching eggs, after he said you dont need them...

when you decorate your coops with the holidays...

when you can ALWAYS think of an excuse why you need to get more chicks and/or eggs

boy am I glad my husband doesnt go on byc or id be in trouble lol

My girls, have proven to me chickens are not all bird brains. Clare, clearly the leader, is a confident and a lest bird. During the first weeks as they develop their feathers, I have turned my dinning room into a chicken room. I have a set of doors to the patio that I am able to open the door to their pin so they can go outside, get cold come in and set under the heat light.

Clare is always the first out, the first for food and feeds track of her sisters. On one of our unseasonable warm days, Clare found that she did not like the doves in here yard, she puffed up put down her head and charged. With a satisfied chicken walk she returned to the tiny flock. Doves are still intruders and must be minded.

Then there was this morning, after saying good morning I opened the goof for the girls to let them out. Using the pin door to block the open in order that they could get back into their pin but not free run in the those. I hear a very soft peeping from the kitchen, then tapping, it sounded like metal. I go up to see, and there was Clare picking the refrigerator. I got a handful of vegetables, washed them then gave to to all of them with Clare rift there to get the fist bit.

Clare also as a sense of being important. I picked up Goldy, trying to get the girls used to being handled. Clare, not wanting to let out, found a way to fet to the set of a chair, then on to the arm. At that point Clare made it clear what she wonted. She wonted on my arm, and Goldy not.

Bird braid undead?
When your husband who has probably taken too much cold medicine wakes up with a start gets outta bed and says is it time to turn the eggs. I swear he did this I was in the living room watching TV and next thing I know he is standing there. It is catching this chicken thing so would we class it as a pandemic or an epidemic?
Your spouse calls you the crazy chicken lady/man.

Everyone knows that if they give you an opening you will talk about chickens.

Negleted flower beds that used to look so great - very nice chicken coop and run.

Nearly all of the pics on your phone are of chickens; more pics of chickens on facebook than of my husband.

Your phone contains the hatch dates of your two most recent hatches.

You spend lots of time trying to figure out how to modify the coop to add more chickens without compromising their health/quality of life.

You are always looking at new breeds to see what you want next.

You make daily trips to craigslist knowing you currently have no room for more chicks.

You always look at the feed store to see what chicks are available.

On my way to a flock swap... did I mention no room for more chicks?

Only asking for chicken stuff for Christmas.

oh so much more....
when you take them on walks down the road

when your parents say its family bonding time so you go out and start talking to your hens (and rooster)

when you and your 8 "friends" are watching tv and your friends are Clucking and climbing on the furniture

when your idea of a good night out is going to the local farm to watch their chickens

when at christmas you buy mini santa hats and put them on your girls

when it snows and your room is full of chickens keeping warm

when you go on BYC

when you only buy games when they have chickens in them

when your teacher sets a new piece of work, looks at you and says "no chicken drawings on this piece of work"

when your watching a film in class and theres a clip with chickens in it and your class looks at you and says "look theres your family"

when you get your school to hold a world chicken day and they threaten you with a detention if you bring a chicken in

when the guest of honor at your b day party isnt your friend its a chicken

and finally when your chicken impression is so good when you do an alarm call your chickens all look up and run for cover or when you cluck and they start clucking back!!!!

well for me at least

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