Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When some friends (who know you love chickens) get a card for Christmas, Valentines Day, Birthday etc signed by you, And your chickens

when you ponder if they would have a "Bring your pet to school" Day at school, so you can bring your chicken (Serious, I want to bring Tommy, my delaware!!)

When you have a Big Biology project, and you do it on the effects of full light on the chickens ability to lay eggs...

When someone laughs and makes a chicken BAWK sound and you say "Someone's singing the Egg song!!"
You know you're addicted to chickens when……..

you have more pictures of them on your phone than anything else.

you talk about them constantly

you are coming up with ways to have more or better yet have more room for more.

you are constantly googling everything about chickens...

you grocery shop for them instead of your family/self

you give up what you use to be addicted to, for them.

you name them ( at least in my family if you name them you have to be addicted, cause my family doesn't name anything but dogs!)

you are constantly shopping online for chicken stuff.

your lockscreen, home screen and desktop picture are of your hens/roosters.
... When you order chicks, and you constantly have dreams about them.
... When you name each and every one of them, and you can tell each one apart.
... When you order chicks 3 months ahead of time, and it's all you can think about.
... When you make a countdown for when your chicks come, so you can hang it on your wall.

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