Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

~when you let them out while you do school :)
~when you never stop taking pictures of them
~ when you lave a 2 paged list of everything the person who's feeding your chickens has to do
~when you lay down with your chickens and read to them
~when your chickens can climb all over you
~when you take a nap with them outside, and they nap along with you
~when you say "Mom, I'm gonna-" And she responds "No! Not going out with the chickens yet!"
~when chickens are more important than you are
~you wake up early in the morning so they can enjoy the sunrise
~when your hens and your chicks have 'bonding time'
~when your chickens have a mailbox on your fridge.
You talk about nothing else but your chickens,you dream about them and you cant wait to see them the next morning,that you are awake before them.
~ when you are possibly going to expand your chickens warm area so it can fit 2 more
~ when everyone has always known you as the chicken girl since you have had chickens since you were 6.
Why??!! Your warm part could fit six easily.

~when you check on your chicks every 10 minutes
~when you let your chickens free range during school
~when you weigh every egg that you collect on your brand new egg scale!

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