Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

~ When you see a sign and you think its says 'Unwanted Pullet' and you make your mom turn around to see what it is and you get there and notice the sign says ' Unwanted Pullet DROP OFF'
and then your disappointed all day..
when all you do is think about chickens all day. Expanding the coop, what to feed them, getting more chickens, making sure they are safe, and constantly trolling the internet for as much information as possible. Im only 4 weeks into this chicken thing....i see a long life ahead of me filled with clucks!
you know there is a snow storm coming and you go out at night and catch your free range chickens out of the trees and put them in the chicken house where they will be safe . PEACE TO ALL MY FRIENDS . wv leipers
You're going on vacation for 10 days, and your husband installs a "chicken cam" so you can livestream your hens while you're gone.
Always wondered what they do when nobody's watching, LOL.
OH MY WORD THAT'S BRILLIANT! I have always wanted to do that!!!!!!!!!!!
when all you do is think about chickens all day. Expanding the coop, what to feed them, getting more chickens, making sure they are safe, and constantly trolling the internet for as much information as possible. Im only 4 weeks into this chicken thing....i see a long life ahead of me filled with clucks!
Sounds familiar!

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