Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You know you're addicted to chickens when you have 27 of them, you know all of their names and ages, you bring some of your favorite ones inside on occasion to sit on your lap and listen to music with them. Sometimes you actually sleep with them and when you call their names, they come a'runnin'.
This might be just a little to addicted to them
Your addicted to chickens when.....

Your 16 and you go to the feed store for fun!!

When you look at pictures of different breeds on googles!

You get excited over one of your hens laying an egg! (almost as excited as if you had layed it!)

You dream of having all the breeds you wanted...

You look on craigslist almost everyday for new postings!

You look at hatcherie websites and drool....(even though their ALWAYS sold out)

You get up in the morning and you are dieing to go out with the chickens!

Hmmm I know there are TONS more but some I just thought of!! Haha
When your lawn chairs are separated by a cooler for beer, facing the chicken run with the chickens the only thing in field of view.

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