Fire place insert coop

I think you'd have a lot more people responding if they could see a picture of the fireplace to give you better help and advice. I think this is really a creative idea. I can't wait to see pictures of it when you start work!
I agree with whoever said to lay down vinyl flooring in the bottom of this coop. Make sure you have a lip on the bottom so that your litter isn't scratched or flung out, either. So I'd have a deep pan in the bottom. You could even build a "removable pan" in the bottom of the coop. It could be a deep litter pan that you pull out and dump and then fill back up again with pine shavings. When the pan is removed, you could vacuum the inside bottom for any shavings that fall out.
Aw, she's a cutie! And I love your coop idea. Pretty clever way to give Inca her own nestbox and use space that's otherwise wasted. To be honest, I can't think of anything to help (long day), but you've gotten some great advice. Maybe put the linoleum beneath the box onto something that can slide out—some sort of tray—or attach it to a wood or non-porous tray you make yourself & put a handle on so it's easy to clean, rather like you'd see in a parrot's cage? That way you could just pull it out every day and clean it without having to dismantle the whole coop.

Can't wait to see photos of Inca in her new digs!

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