Fires have devastated so many here

I hope they find those responsible!
Yes, I wonder if the people who started these fires realised just how big it would get.
Young children may have got matches and played with them, who knows until they are caught. They may not have survived themselves, or they may have returned home to find they have killed their own family. I just cannot fathom that this mass murder was intentional.
If they are still alive, i wonder what they are feeling now?
I wonder if they are absorbing the pain and suffering of those that they have hurt.
I started a grass fire when i was a child playing with matches!!
I remember how totally freaked out i was when it spread to a thick piece of grass then kept spreading until a neighbour spotted us and came out with the hose. It was only supposed to be a tiny little fire on a circle of dirt. I was about 8. Very scary.

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