First 3 days give sips of yolk water!!! And other new chick advise...

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
First 3 days I give my chicks sips of yolk water, it makes them strong enough to be curious about eating food. Especially if they were shipped, feed right away. Sometimes when you realize there may be something wrong with a chick it will be to late. Death may occur on days 5-7. If you want to know how to tell if a chick is not doing well look at their feet. if they have skinny wrinkled stick feet they will need yolk and a prayer right away. (They also may close their eyes and peep a lot.)
I mix the same amount of each. some people say "well I will just put scrambled egg in their food." which is fine, but if they were already eating food, maybe you would not have a problem. I dip their beak into it.
I personally put a teaspoon of brown sugar per quart of water, to get my shipped chicks quick energy as some may be suffering from low blood sugar upon arrival.
good....I say mix a bit of what ever you have some times I mix canned dog food, I currently have a droopy chick with one eye she kept closed. Since I just baked a pumpkin pie, I mixed that with water and gave her sips. she really like it and perked up. For her eye I put in an eyedrop. Natural ones not visene, and she openened her eye just fine
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