First Adventure Outside


Apr 4, 2014
Yesterday I set up a temporary pen for the babies. I made it large enough so all of us could get in with them. We let them explore and allowed the kids to handle them some too. They spent most of the time trying to get under my legs like I was mama hen.

It was a bit nerve wracking trying to get three kids to sit still and STOP MOVING YOUR FEET! lol

The babies didn't know how to react. I also think it may have been too warm or I chose a space without enough shade. But I think they enjoyed their first trip outside.


***No chicks were harmed but a few children did get pooped on***
I sure hope so! We have been handling them daily in hopes that they will be friendly and well adjusted. Some of them take to it very well and others are still standoffish. My Light Brahma will prance around excited when I lean over the brooder but when I reach in she runs away lol.

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