First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

BAD? the 30's were awesome! That's one decade I'd go back to (unlike the teens and twenties.) It was absolutely the best! Enjoy every minute of it. The forties are good, but a bit more sedate, the fifties are where things start to unravel.......

I went out to the coop to let the birds out for the day. I let them out through the run door, as usual, and heard a "cheep" from inside the coop. I have an area in there were I keep the feed and the brooder. The chicks (and DH's two poults) have been in there for over a week and I have never heard them from outside the coop. I went to investigate and as soon as I opened the door, there was one of the poults standing in the doorway! I guess it's time for a top on the brooder.

When I bought the poults (my, er DH's first evers) I chose the biggest, thinking it might be a tom - and the smallest, thinking it might be a hen. I realise there is no way of knowing, but I thought I'd try. Well, they both have tiny protrusions at the top of their beaks that I assume are their "snoods." The one on the smaller poult is much larger than the one on the larger poult. Does that mean anything at this point? They were bought as day olds on Friday of last week (3/30) so they are a week and a half old. Any guesses?

You may have a Tiny Tim and a Big Bertha!!
It took me all summer to be sure of my poult's sexes.
Mostly because they weren't sure themselves. Every time I thought I had one pegged as female she would puff up like a tom. It did turn out most of my guesses were right, so hopefully I'll be able to see it sooner this year.
It took me all summer to be sure of my poult's sexes.
Mostly because they weren't sure themselves. Every time I thought I had one pegged as female she would puff up like a tom. It did turn out most of my guesses were right, so hopefully I'll be able to see it sooner this year.

I was certain I had 4 boy ducks and 1 girl duck based upon voice, then I came home from work a few weeks ago and caught 2 "boys" mating in the duck pool. I was so excited that I had another girl. When it was over the "girl" got on top and mated the boy.

I was right about having 4 boys and 1 girl... but I have 2 confused boys, 2 boys and 1 girl.
DH and boys are off to grandma's house for Easter Dinner--still have chicks zipping, so I felt the need to stay home and monitor the new chicks.
ANd set the turkey eggs of course.

How do we handle shipped turkey eggs? THe same as chicken eggs?
Yay! I got my eggs last night. The lady had 10 and they are bourbon Red turkey eggs. I also got a few quail, silkie and welsummer eggs that she had too. And on a side note my duck eggs are hatching today! They were not supposed to be here until Tuesday. I guess they wanted to be Easter ducks, and Birthday ducks (it's my birthday today too, I am now officially 30).

I've been unofficially 30 for 25 years!!
DH and boys are off to grandma's house for Easter Dinner--still have chicks zipping, so I felt the need to stay home and monitor the new chicks.
ANd set the turkey eggs of course.

How do we handle shipped turkey eggs? THe same as chicken eggs?

Yes same way.

I don't know about turkey eggs being "unreliable" on their timing. Last year when I set the six for the Easter hatch, I had one hatch on Thursday before Easter. The rest of them hatched out with the chicks. I have only hatched them once so I don't know if this is "normal". 28 days seems to be right. The one that hatched early, hatched during a power outage so I came home to a cooled of incubator and a poult that was very lethargic. I was frantic. Luckily DH remembered that we have a 110 outlet in our car. We plugged the bator in and it warmed up. The poult got a lot more active and then the power went back on. I was so relieved. Anyway, just set 27 turkey eggs. 12 Lurkey (BR) and the other 15 half Black Spanish half ROYAL PUPLE PALMS. Can't help myself, I giggle every time I say it. So stoked to see the babies and we just set them.

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