First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Here are the eggs I got tonight. There are 25. The last broody I had hatched 20 out of 23 and the three that didn't hatch were clear! Was that a fluke or should I give them all to her and see what happens?
Being a math person, split the load: Give half to the broody and half to the incubator if you have room. THen if Ms. Broody quits, you can put the remainder in the incubator. Since she has proven herself once, I would give her another chance. THe odds are good she will complete the job.
Thank you!

I would give them to her. I had a silkie on 22 eggs. She would have hatched them all if the others didn't try to steal them off of her!
Ha! Ha! We're talking around each other! This is not the same broody but they were hatch-mates. I don't trust my incubation skills as much as I do a new broody. How many would be a reasonable large batch??
I candled all my turkey eggs tonight. I am tossing two because they are definately clear. The clear ones were both Wishard Bronze. That leaves me with 26 eggs with something going on inside (16 Wishard Bronze, 5 Bourbon Red and 5 Black-tip Bronze). Now I won't do a full candle agian until lockdown.
I posted mine at work for $3, I think that's why it took so long to get the first order. My opinion, that's how much it costs me to feed the layers, I'm not making a profit. Before I "give" the eggs away to people at work, I'd cook the eggs and feed them back to my girls and dogs. Eggs here are $2.25 for two dozen at Costco, but $5 a dozen at the food co-op/health food store. I had one person ask me how much eggs are at the store when I told them my price. My response, "less than that, but you're buying quality". Personally I don't care if I sell them or not. I'd give them away to friends first before lowering the price to customers. Personally I just enjoy my chickens.


X a million I am with you all the way on that one.

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