First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Excellent explanation, Jess!

The water wigglers are a fun little do-dad that is hard to describe. It is a hollow tube of liquid that will turn inside-out as the water flows downhill. If you hold them in your hand it will move along sort of like an ameoba (or octopus) moves. It is fun to let it crawl from one hand to the other, It is sold as a toy.

The space in the center is perfect for inserting a temp probe and the liquid surrounding the center warms and cools slower than the air around it. I don't know who first used it in an incubator, but it was a great idea!
*trying to get a visual image of grabbing a cup of coffee while wearing a straightjacket*
uhm..... ok.......

It's all in the teeth!!!! takes some practice to not spill it and ruin your jacket though. The trick is not to have the coffee too hot.
For you all on the thread, please follow the link below to vote for the cutest chick from Mahonri's Easter Hatch thread please.

Oh I just want to cry! out of 7 Royal Palm eggs set there is only one showing any development! And to add to the disapoint met I found one of my Silver Fox Rabbit kits dead in the cage this morning. I think I need to go back to bed and start this day over.
Oh I just want to cry! out of 7 Royal Palm eggs set there is only one showing any development! And to add to the disapoint met I found one of my Silver Fox Rabbit kits dead in the cage this morning. I think I need to go back to bed and start this day over.


So sorry to hear this.
Oh I just want to cry! out of 7 Royal Palm eggs set there is only one showing any development! And to add to the disapoint met I found one of my Silver Fox Rabbit kits dead in the cage this morning. I think I need to go back to bed and start this day over.

Oh, no! I agree, back to bed, take a nap, sleep till you are not tired anymore and getup and start over! Who gave you another Monday? Who ever it was needs a
. I'm sorry and hope things will be better from here on out!
Thank you! I have decided that it is Karma. I forgot to lock up the chickies last night so they were out playing in the yard this morning. Everyone was present and accounted for, but I still feel bad beings that we just killed our second skunk already this spring! The chickens think it is great however that they get to spend the whole day out in the yard eating grass and bugs. I won't be getting my usual 4 or 5 eggs today though. Those girls are like toddlers, they get to having so much fun out in the yard, they forget to come back to the house to do their "business". I never find the eggs (probably because of the skunks).
I don't know if this is my best one for the contest, but here's a turkey yoga picture:


:p I didn't know if I was qualified since I'm such a late comer.

I will take a purple jacket in size zero of course (why not be delusional all the way heehee).


Yeah.....we pretty much have no rules, unless of course, you count the rules for the Poultry Yoga Contest. Check those out on Post #624.

Speaking of The Poultry Yoga Contest......

Get your pics of your birds in their yoga poses and enter by the end of the day on Saturday! I only have one pic entered so far and the prize awaits. I was looking through the book yesterday and found this bit of information.

"Chicken" is the plural form of "chick" just as "oxen" is the plural form of "ox" but it has come to be used as the singular word for fowl and an 's' is now added to make it plural. (I thought that was interesting.)

Wouldn't you love to win this book?!

Me Me Me! I want to win! I was just outside stalking the ducks. All I got was some synchronized swimming and synchronized head bobbing and synchronized hissing at me.

I'll go back out after they've had a chance to enjoy their fresh water a bit.

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