First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

I dont know how I missed this

I have 7 Chocolates and 1 Royal Palm hatched so far today.

And about 90 more in the incubator of Chocolates, Royal Palms, Blue Slates and Midget Whites. Might be more.

I'm setting 30 at a time and selling the other eggs.

Good luck to one and all!!!!!
Evening all. Well I finally sold a few silkies this afternoon and got another lady coming tomorrow to get some also. Putting 19 turk eggs in lockdown first thing in the morning,woohoo
Man Im tired!!!
Melissa Rose -- Oh NO! I hope you are not too sore and feel better real soon!

Edited because it appeared that I was in sympathy to WV for being tired - which I am, sorta' but not as much as for Mel.
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I dont know how I missed this

I have 7 Chocolates and 1 Royal Palm hatched so far today.

And about 90 more in the incubator of Chocolates, Royal Palms, Blue Slates and Midget Whites. Might be more.

I'm setting 30 at a time and selling the other eggs.

Good luck to one and all!!!!!
Welcome Mamawolf, never too late in this community! We are REAL flexible in this thread and speaking of flexible....what size and color will you be needing?
Catching up after a day at Old Sturbridge VIllage.
Sorry to be so silent but I do have my turkey eggs set
. 18 in all
. Royal Palms
. I fell off of a ladder repairing my goose coop and hit a ladder on the ground and broke some ribs. I then ended up in surgery because they thought I was bleeding internally so now I am one solid bruise with broken ribs and my stomach cut open
I hope you mend quickly!! Injured ribs hurt with every breath. Speedy recovery.
A pile of chicks.

Yesterday we moved the indoor growout pen chicks into an outdoor growout pen. It was 82 degrees today and we let them out of the coop into the pen for the first time. Of course tonight at lockup time, they had no idea they were supposed to go indoors, so I individually picked up all 48 chicks and put them in the pop door. Okay, I'll admit, I picked up four at a time and tossed them in. They were at that dopey, sleeping stage in a big pile on the floor of their attached run. Hopefully it will only take them a day or two to figure it out and they'll go in on their own. It could get old fast otherwise.

When I took this picture, they had just come outside for the first time. They found a sunny spot in the run and were taking their first dust baths.

Here you go Wisher, for you.
NH, lakenvelder, BCM, golden campine and................silver campine.

dsgard, I'm blaming my memory on the heat. I have no AC, have no idea where my husband had stashed the fans at our storage unit and I'm melting. And always love your Utah pics, so yeah. I forgot. Can't be my age. Just not possible. ha ha But I do have brain damage. Although that was my excuse even before I had it
To hot and tired to come up with anything else.

OK about the Wally World thermos. I've been using the green ones since my idol ChooksChick helped me stop having such bad hatches. Did I mention I are getting the prize for worse hatch at Easter? LOL Anyway I have a stockpille of them. I noticed though that they don't last long. I could put 5 of them in one bator and get 5 different reading. This poor fish. I think they've stopped making them to work. Wonder how many get boiled or freeze. I loved these things, but none have worked right and I still grab them up when I shop. So I grabbed one like I used when my husband was alive and helping me set things up and got a few to hatch. Yesterday and today I have 9 out of ??????hatched and then I can home tonight and the humidity read 67, but there were pips and just hatched chicks, so I didn't get too concerned. I finally grabbed out the ones that were dry and I found pipped eggs and dead chicks, sticky chicks (one I may have killed trying to moisten and move the membrane from around it's face and it bled bad) and 2 more glued to the shells. I think I have 8 DIS with pips, one must have hit a vein and didn't get any further and a couple that pipped and it looks like yolk dripped out, so 11 that tried and died. Hoping they aren't all done, but if these guys were sticky I bet the rest are. All but one of the ones out seem healthy, the one has what looks like a bad foot, but the whole xhixk is wet, so maybe it's because it just hatched. No FBCMs, SPPRS, Silver Pheonix or Lav AMs out.
Still I have at least 9 out and 6 are sitting here next to me driving me nuts. A few of my Lav Egg projects hatched including a bantam. I'm hoping I can get those going too. Only one blue AM out. This is still better than what's been going on again, but I've noticed that if the humidity is between 57 and 63, they pop right out of the shell.
I may have a different one, the only thing green on it is a rubber ring that holds the suction cup on and a green section between 78 and 82 bordered by yellow to show where the temp should be for fish. The tube is clear, the paper scale is white with black tick marks, and there is a red plug that holds the steel beads in the bottom. So where do you buy a GOOD one. I now have about $50 (collectively) in cheap ones and I still don't know if I know what my temp is!

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