First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

This was the most difficult chick I've ever tried to photograph. It never stood still and never shut up for a second. But I love it anyway
Sorry the photos are a bit fuzzy.

Does she need a name--perhaps Phillis Diller.

Number three Bourbon Red is out!!
I am starting to worry about the fan blowing on the eggs. I never thought about it before but I can see the movement of the air from the fan moving a piece of dried paper I need to re-wet the paper towel and cover the eggs? Some of the pips have not progressed couldn't they be stuck or am I "going Mahonri" for no reason?!

I've been thinking about the fan too. I installed it so it blows up against the ceiling and never directly on the eggs. The commercial brands blow air directly on the eggs????
I've fallen behind on this thread. But,...
My turkey eggs go into lock down tonight. I'll do my final candle then.
My tutors are pipping.

My Bronze hen layed 3 eggs around Jan 1 and about 4 more the end of Feb and two more the middle of March and nothing since. I don't think she has layed until the end of May normally.
Ok, my turkey hatched 2 of 3 of the EE eggs I left her have. We just rescued the chicks. That is why I didn't let her have the turkey eggs.

I have 1 mottled cochin hatched in the bator and about 8 more pipped. Nothing yet on the turkeys.
As of tonight 1 Bourbon red, 2 black winged bronze, and 5 standard bronze have completely hatched. Another 7 are pipping and zipping. While I didn't hatch tutors, I have been giving the oldest ones remedial lessons on drinking. They seem to be catching on and should be able to teach the others.

SCG how are your two later hatchers doing today? Wind woke me up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to early. I still only have two hatched and two pipped. Hoping that the rest start popping out today.
Quote: CRS = Can't remember "stuff"

What's wrong with that? That's where mine is!

Got back home from my errands to one poult out. It looks like it is a blue slate or blue slate cross. The other egg that was pipped this morning is almost zipped all the way. That one is a Lurkey/Tom egg (BR). No other pips yet. Now I gotta go do some chores then homework. Congrats on all the hatching going on!!!!!!

My incubators are all over the house... tiny house, lots of eggs cookin'! My Farmgirl NQB8R is in my bedroom, 3 others in the DR. I'm being 'restrained' and only have those 4 today, my straightjacket is green-striped and a light cotton, as it'll be 100" later. Perfect for the hatchers to come out and play, since we'll scarcely need heating elements!!!

OK I snarfed down the entire pizza (and I'm still hungry but going to try to hold off for now), here's my motley crew:

Love the look on Silkie's face! Even better is the Oriole Poop-Circle.
Quote: Good point!!

Fine I'll hold off on the nuts/bolts.

I wish I could locate my small plastic organic chemistry model set (unfortunately I can only find the big one). I could have made a couple CH4 molecules (and maybe a few EtOH ones too... hahahhaaaa
) to put in the water.

I'll go outside in a bit to the driveway and brave chicken poop mines to get a few rocks.
The thought of organic chem model sets yanks me right back to university!! That's the idea though, or large pebbles!
Did you just give yourself away as an ex-patriot of some part of the British Empire or ar you a fan of old Lit? That sounds like something I'd say...
This was the most difficult chick I've ever tried to photograph. It never stood still and never shut up for a second. But I love it anyway
Sorry the photos are a bit fuzzy.

And only ten toes, I counted.

If those are poor pics, I need you to come take some of my flock!!! Lovely!
Quote: Yup, northern Illinois! Okay, seasonal layers so winter quarter wouldn't necessarily have to have nests but would have to have them ready by end of it!

Number three Bourbon Red is out!!
I am starting to worry about the fan blowing on the eggs. I never thought about it before but I can see the movement of the air from the fan moving a piece of dried paper I need to re-wet the paper towel and cover the eggs? Some of the pips have not progressed couldn't they be stuck or am I "going Mahonri" for no reason?!

How long have they been stalled, and are they still, now?
As of tonight 1 Bourbon red, 2 black winged bronze, and 5 standard bronze have completely hatched. Another 7 are pipping and zipping. While I didn't hatch tutors, I have been giving the oldest ones remedial lessons on drinking. They seem to be catching on and should be able to teach the others.

They look great! I'm trying to be very patient. I have 4 tutors out now: a Silkie, a Konza, a Chantecler, and a Heritage Barred Rock.
SCG how are your two later hatchers doing today? Wind woke me up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to early. I still only have two hatched and two pipped. Hoping that the rest start popping out today.
It's still and silent here, but the mega moon must be doing something, because I'm WIDE AWAKE.
Thanks everyone for the advice yesterday! 16 poults so far, 7 narragansett x sweetgrass crosses and 9 bourbon reds, 6 more in the incubator, 1 pipping :)

our almost 2 year old is going crazy watching them hatch and wanting to hold them, I don't know who's worse him or me :)
I have a Black Spanish out, one more zipping and two more pips. Nothing on the turkey tutors yet though.
Quote: I intervened.........after reading here about the fan and seeing no progress before I went to bed, I took each egg that was pipped and cracked the shell at the pip and peeled it away. The membrane was dry. I made sure that the poult could breathe. I put damp paper towels around the eggs but left the open ends exposed and returned them to the incubator. This morning, nothing had hatched so I took them to the steamed up bathroom, two at a time and opened them, rinsed them in warm water and returned them to the incubator under a dry paper towel. All the yolks were absorbed. One had expired but the other six are drying in incubator with the three that managed to hatch. The one egg that had no pip, I candled and there was no movement so I opened the end, it looked like it had quit around lockdown.
I had the humidity between 75 and 80% during lockdown so it had to be the fan that was drying them. I have an old Farm Master cabinet incubator. It has six trays but I never use more than two, and that's only because I spread the eggs out or separate them into groups. The fan is made to circulate the air around hundreds of eggs so is quite powerful, I guess. It would have taken me alot of hatching to realize the fan was the problem but I don't hatch much so I don't know if I would have figured this out without the help of all of you. This is the kind of thing that makes BYC so invaluble to me. Thanks for being here!!

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