First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

I've finally gotten around to taking an updated photo of my turkey. I set 11 eggs and 4 developed. Three of those made it to lockdown and hatched, but 2 of them had issues and died within a couple of days. So I ended up with one Royal Palm, but boy is it growing!!!

Here is the support staff (they think their student is on a basketball scholarship).

Today they made the move from the workshop brooder to the indoor pen. They were joined by the rival school.............the Araucanas.

I see a couple Phillis DIllers!! Very cute!
Here is the support staff (they think their student is on a basketball scholarship).

I candled my second set of turkey eggs this morning and all four are still cooking along. All six tutors are cooking too. They are due to hatch around the 10th of June. Can't wait to see if they all hatch!
WOW! Things are getting crazy around here. I have 7 teenagers that I bought a week before the hatch date (5/5) and they are being kept up because they are just the right size for a hawks supper. I have 18 3 week old chicks under a foster hen who can't keep them in and today when I went out to the coop after work all the chicks were about 30 feet away in some brush and the hen was pacing inside the run, frantic (the little ones are small enough to wiggle through the 2x4 welded wire of the run.) I have an EE that just decided to go broody and a Buff Orp sitting on 23 guinea eggs. This evening, I was doing some rearranging in the coop and noticed that the EE was on the guinea eggs and the BO was in an empty nest that the EE had been on this morning. When I went to remove the EE, there were baby keets in the nest and the EE wanted to fight! I told her I was not about to let her take credit for the babies when the BO sat on them for a month! I pulled her off the nest and put the hen on it and she was SOOO confused! She soon settled on the babies and pipping eggs and was happy. The EE seemed content enough when I gave her some golf balls to warm. My DS#1 was keeping me company and suddenly said "Look at that!" I turned around in time to just see a HUGE bird swoop through the trees a few yards from the coop and disappear back into the trees. It had at least a three foot wingspan (maybe 4) and was a medium brown. I didn't get a look at anything but the wings but I think it was a hawk or maybe an owl. All the birds were inside on the roosts except the guineas and they scooted under the building. I guess I will have to keep the chicks and mom in the coop tomorrow. I think the BO went broody about a week before the (now deceased) hen whose eggs are in the bator, so I think they will hatch any day. What am I going to do with all these birds?
Yup, hatching is fun, and craigs list is helpful, or list them in the for sale section of BST. Put a price on them to cover your costs.

Looks like lady luck sits on your incubator and with your broodies.
Help again please...
So the 4th egg survivor of the raccoon attack just hatched, a week after the rest, I thought it was the egg I gave her a few days after she went broody so I left it in the hatcher just in case... I had to help it out because the membrane was so tough, it zipped 3/4 of the way around before I intervened. So far it seems okay except it didn't absorb all of the yolk (I'm guessing that's what it is) what's left is about the size of a pea, maybe slightly bigger, it seems pretty dry, this happened with one of the chicks that hatched and I didn't do anything and ended up losing it in the end, is there something I can do to help it fall off and heal, maybe put neosporin or something around the opening into the abdomen?

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