First baby pheasants from our birds

Leslie In North Pole

12 Years
Mar 7, 2007
North Pole, AK
I am tickled pink, my pheasant hen started laying last month and we placed her first few eggs in the bator for a test run and yesterday we hatched out these little ones.


My two year old is in love...

I am just thrilled that my pair is fertile, as last year was a first year trying to raise pheasants and we are hoping we learned enough to eventually breed them on a larger scale.
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HI Les, They look so big! What kind of incubator do you use? How many eggs and size eggs does it hold?
And how do you put the water mark on your photo's? (If u don't mind sharing ALL that info;)
So much to learn here:) My uncle used to pheasant hunt in Nebraska and when I went to The Netherlands last Spring to pick up a Long Hair Weimaraner pup I was amazed to see pheasant all over, as many as we have misquitoes;) They are beautiful birds, what breed do you have? Cheryl
Hello, Cheryl,

They are ringnecks and they are about the size of a bantam chicken at hatch. Aren't they just the cutest things?

I hatched these in a hovabator 1620n with a fan. It is suppose to be able to handle about 40 chicken eggs or so but it depends how you have it set up and what kind of eggs. Right now, my bator has 12 turkey eggs, 7 duck, two geese, and over 30+ chicken eggs that were all developing strong when I candled a couple of days ago, everything but the duck eggs is shipped eggs from all acrossed the country. I am presently using paper egg cartons with ventilation holes cut into them to hold all of the eggs up at an angle, a plastic cup with a paper towel hanging out of it for humidity and "turning" them by lifting one side of the bator and propping it up with a video for a couple of hours at a time, several times a day. I have turner but it will not work with goose eggs, it is made for chicken eggs so I adapted everything around them.

When hatching time came, I placed my pheasant eggs in a disposable plastic tub with lots of ventilation holes in it, placed paper towels on the bottom that I could moisten and put the very hole filled lid on it so they weren't climbing all over the other eggs in the bator. I have geese due Tuesday, chickens Thursday, muscovies next Tuesday.... the list goes on, lol. Pretty soon, I am going to set a bunch of quail eggs probably in my Little giant as they always seem to be easiest to hatch.

As to the picture editing, I use a freeware program called PhotoScape to place details on my photos.

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