First dead chicken!!

Little Jerry

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
Went out to the coop this morning and noticed my 9 month old New Hampshire Red was dead. She has been fine right along did not notice anything wrong yesterday. She has been laying fine, so I thought, we have had much colder nights than last so I don't think that is it. She has had some poop collecting around her vent stuck in her feathers but when I checked her out today it did not seem to be blocking the vent at all but her vent did look pretty messed up, almost like it had turned inside out. Just wondering what could have happened so I can keep an eye on my other hens. Thanks
Prolapse is what came to my mind in a split second. Sorry for your loss and don;t know what to suggest as a prevention or recognition earlier of it. Not sure there even is any.
I have 4 other hens and a rooster, I never noticed them pecking at her, but i'm sure thats possible

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