First Egg Countdown!!

Well I am still waiting...not patiently...but waiting. I have 4-5 of my 9 girls squatting and looking red in the face so hopefully I will get some eggs here soon. They are all 18-19 weeks now.

The Suspects:
Amelia (Gold Sex Link)
Daisy (Austra White)
Henrietta (Speckled Sussex)
Ethel (Buff Orpington)
Ella Mae (Black Sex Link)

Who will be first!? I am so eggcited and happy I can share my chicken stalking with you all.

Nothing today..

.but I think I may have a mite/lice issue. Today I noticed quite a few feathers in the coop and my chickens are shaking their heads as to try and shake something off their heads...I have a lot of birds around their coop. Guess it comes with the territory

SOOOOOO.....guess what I will be doing tomorrow.
Well I am still waiting...not patiently...but waiting. I have 4-5 of my 9 girls squatting and looking red in the face so hopefully I will get some eggs here soon. They are all 18-19 weeks now. The Suspects: Amelia (Gold Sex Link) Daisy (Austra White) Henrietta (Speckled Sussex) Ethel (Buff Orpington) Ella Mae (Black Sex Link) Who will be first!? I am so eggcited and happy I can share my chicken stalking with you all.
I would guess one of the sex links. I think they are bred to lay early. Next year I want to try some heritage breeds, I hope that doesn't mean I will have to wait six months for their first egg. :D
Ok so NOTHING yet...blah, but I did get the red mite issue under control...little red devils!!!!! I hope it was just a minor case, and I caught it early Anywhooooo
anyone else??????

I am patiently waiting....just keep waiting....

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