First Egg Countdown!!

Ok so NOTHING yet...blah, but I did get the red mite issue under control...little red devils!!!!! I hope it was just a minor case, and I caught it early Anywhooooo
anyone else??????

I am patiently waiting....just keep waiting....
Nothing yet here either. Hopefully this weekend.
AHHH! I think it's finally happening!!!

I was sitting outside drinking my coffee and Ethel "Tails" was acting kind of funny. She has been more curiously peering at me lately, but keeping her distance. Today she came right up to me, so I reached down and petted her, and she did the OFFICIAL egg squat for me!! This time I know it for sure. I gave her a back rub like I would a cat, then I picked her up and set her in my lap, where she was quite content to sit for 5-10 minutes. I petted her which she seemed to like, but she couldn't get comfortable. She was constantly shifting in my lap but not getting down off me, she was not being held down. She purred a little bit, but no crazy clucking or egg singing. I think she is close, but not today. Her comb and waddle certainly are the largest!

After Ethel did eventually get down, she started sounding the alarm and the whole flock came running to check it out. She walked back over to me to demonstrate a pet/rubdown again lol. I don't know. They were all baffled that she would let me touch her I think. I picked her up and carried her down into the coop and put her in a nest. I could hear her pushing cedar shavings around while I stood outside. She would shuffle and stop, then start again. I can't wait!!!

Ethel in my lap

Size comparison with everybody

Edit: Frankie the americana is squatting too!!! She let me rub her down, but otherwise isn't interested in seeking affection, while Ethel keeps hopping onto my lap. She dug out a deep nest in her house, but when I went back outside 30 minutes later, she was waiting at the back door for me. They are both 22 weeks old tomorrow


IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rofl here I was thinking it would be a few days still, I put her in the nest box a second time and went back inside, went out to check and there was a fresh warm EGG!!!

size comparison:
Ethel's first egg on the left; organic brown free-range locally-raised on the right
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AHHH! I think it's finally happening!!!

I was sitting outside drinking my coffee and Ethel "Tails" was acting kind of funny. She has been more curiously peering at me lately, but keeping her distance. Today she came right up to me, so I reached down and petted her, and she did the OFFICIAL egg squat for me!! This time I know it for sure. I gave her a back rub like I would a cat, then I picked her up and set her in my lap, where she was quite content to sit for 5-10 minutes. I petted her which she seemed to like, but she couldn't get comfortable. She was constantly shifting in my lap but not getting down off me, she was not being held down. She purred a little bit, but no crazy clucking or egg singing. I think she is close, but not today. Her comb and waddle certainly are the largest!

After Ethel did eventually get down, she started sounding the alarm and the whole flock came running to check it out. She walked back over to me to demonstrate a pet/rubdown again lol. I don't know. They were all baffled that she would let me touch her I think. I picked her up and carried her down into the coop and put her in a nest. I could hear her pushing cedar shavings around while I stood outside. She would shuffle and stop, then start again. I can't wait!!!

Ethel in my lap

Size comparison with everybody

Edit: Frankie the americana is squatting too!!! She let me rub her down, but otherwise isn't interested in seeking affection, while Ethel keeps hopping onto my lap. She dug out a deep nest in her house, but when I went back outside 30 minutes later, she was waiting at the back door for me. They are both 22 weeks old tomorrow


IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rofl here I was thinking it would be a few days still, I put her in the nest box a second time and went back inside, went out to check and there was a fresh warm EGG!!!

size comparison:
Ethel's first egg on the left; organic brown free-range locally-raised on the right
Yay! wasn't that fun? That's funny - our backyard eggs are a lovely deep brown and the Eggland's Best are a stark white.
Only one of my three hens is laying. They're all the same age, same breed. But only one of them is laying thus far - today's her fifth day. I had thought on Day 2 that two were laying but I think she just laid two that day - one was very small. The other ladies are biding their sweet time.
Yay! wasn't that fun? That's funny - our backyard eggs are a lovely deep brown and the Eggland's Best are a stark white.
I don't know why, but it is SO exciting to find an egg! Hehe :) I feel like a baby was born, even though there are no roos here to fertilize anything. I'm so proud of her!

The flash in the 2nd photo makes it look quite white, the one in my hand it's more light brown and true to real life :) She is a Black Australorp, I wonder if they will get darker or if this is her color?
How exciting for you!! And you even got to witness her behavior just prior to laying! I can't wait for my first egg!
I don't know why, but it is SO exciting to find an egg! Hehe :) I feel like a baby was born, even though there are no roos here to fertilize anything. I'm so proud of her!

The flash in the 2nd photo makes it look quite white, the one in my hand it's more light brown and true to real life :) She is a Black Australorp, I wonder if they will get darker or if this is her color?

I thought that your hens egg was a very pretty light pink.


Great comparison picture! A backyard egg yolk next to a store egg yolk! Wow!

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