First egg!


Mar 28, 2018
Saturday night we got our first egg! I’m not sure which one of the girls it was because it was a soft egg, so I couldn’t really tell the color. I put oyster shells in there for them. Yesterday came and went with no egg. We have a New Hampshire red (I think) and a white leghorn that have been showing lots of interest in the nests. The white leghorn has been laying in the nest for a couple hours this morning but still no egg. Is this normal?
Congrats on the first egg (sorry it had no shell) Are they on layer food? I have one hen who will sit in the nest for a few hours at a time, even sometimes on the days she doesn't lay. IKN why she does it, but I think she just feels comfy and maybe takes a nap. She's not broody, she always gets up right away if I peak in at her. Your girl might just be taking her time because laying is new to her.
Normal for new layers. They are still trying to understand what is happening, and get the timing right for when its coming out, so they may be in the box longer than expected. And first eggs are often shell-less or very thin shelled, or off-color, etc.
Their combs are both nice and red, so shell color should tell you, and looks like you will be getting eggs from both of them soon. Leghorns lay white eggs and the red will lay a beautiful brown egg.

Pretty girls and lovely ducks too!
Mine started laying last week. The first one was small and perfect. Since then, she has laid multiple soft shell eggs and has been very sporadic about laying. Today was her first larger egg, and she sat in the nesting box for almost 3 hours before laying it.
I'm so excited for my girls to start laying!! I have one who is, she is older, but we have four pullets we have raised since chicks. One of them is bigger than the other 3 and her waddle is quite red, as is her comb--the color really popped this weekend! She has been sitting in the nest box and twice we caught her on the older hen's egg! . She is also exhibiting the squatting when approached from behind. Is it possible she is ready to lay? She's only 16 weeks old!!

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