First egg


8 Years
Dec 14, 2011
Marietta, GA
Found an egg today. It was in a depression next to their stall where they like to dust & sun. These are free-rangers who hardly ever leave their 100x100 ft fenced area. I'm really surprised since the boys have been frisky for about 3 wks now but the girls have had no interest (that I saw.) I'm taking it to a friend who has broody silkies to sit on it. It'll be what it'll be.
I can't wait to find my first egg! Hatching little peachicks has to be the most fun time of year by a long shot!
Yeah those peahens have good poker faces. They always seem uninterested but secretly they might really like the peacock they are "ignoring".

I guess I need to start keeping an eye out for eggs just in case. I would love for my peahen Damsel to raise some peachicks. I enjoyed watching Ice raise her own and now I am curious about how good of a mother Damsel would be.
I have not seen another egg since the 1st. My mentor said I should have replaced it with a chicken egg for her to continue to lay in that nest. As mine are always in the same area, it makes me think that 1st egg was an anomaly.

The males are stilll fanning, dancing & calling; the females seem more docile & are sticking together. Is this really starting breeding season? Did they just get confused by the warm & longer days?

Any ideas/experiences are appreciated. TIA
I'm going out now to see if my IB Silver peahen has added to the one she laid on the 23rd. Just before dark I saw her on the nest so I'm assuming so. I've seen IB Silver White-eye try to mate her several times but thought she'd been escaping his advances. Guess I'll see but hate to let her set a clutch of infertile eggs so guess I better start up the incubator.
I hope my hens don't suddenly decide it's time to start laying eggs! I'm a few weeks away yet from having their new home and breeding pens completed.Plus I have to get two new males here,,a Midnight B/S and the Purple B/S-w/e I's 50 degrees here today,,but we still have March and we've had some nasty ice storms here during that month in the past.

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