First gosling!

cottontail farm

9 Years
Dec 26, 2014
Rural NW Pa
I've posted here a couple of times about how annoying my geese are (they were actually put on craigslist once for bad behavior until I felt guilty and pulled the ad) well this week they have finally redeemed themselves. My 3 year old goose set a nest way under our chicken coop and now we have a baby! Out of 11 eggs 10 were duds. It's really fun to see all 3 geese fussing over the little one and so far the adults are being better mannered than before they had a baby. Go figure.

Ok so I'm confused. It appears she's gone right back to laying? The first egg I thought was a fluke, like she had just found one I missed when cleaning up the nest. But no, she had another one this morning, convered it up with feathers when she took the baby out. I put the egg in water, it's fresh.
Do they do this? :idunno Should someone tell her it's July?
Precious how geese take raising so seriously! I love it! My geese are 13 and 8 yrs old and every year during breeding season I say to my self “why am I doing this” :heit’s a good thing I love em’ Congrats on the gosling! I have no idea why she’s back laying maybe it will just be a few an done.

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