First Hatch Day 7.....


Apr 14, 2015
So a week and a half ago I bought an Lg 9300 Still Air incubator, im doing this hatch without a turner. So I decided to start with a dozen eggs, pulled two yesterday after candling, and two more today. My welsummer gives dark eggs and my amish hen gives me green/blue eggs. ( call her amish because I had a broody hen and no eggs for her so I went to amish county n boought a dozen off the side of the road :) .) Anyway, so im day 7, I have 4 I can see movement in :D, and 4 I can not. Any suggestions?
I was about to give up on a few at day 7, but by day 10 everything was much better. I have a few darker shells, but none so dark as a welsummer. I'd go nuts if I couldn't see in!! (but I'm a candling addict!) Also, replacing flashlight batteries makes a huge difference!!

I've been thinking about darker shells though, how do most people do it? Just guess and go with it?? I usually weigh mine, but would definitely weigh dark ones.
Ya my next batch im going to weigh them, and candle air cells. Im trying to break myself of candling so much but its very exciting, I figure next batch I should have a little more control lol.
Canoe, you need to do some white eggs... even duck eggs... they are so exciting!

Good grief, I sound like a total dork....
Is that dork, dark or duck?

I used to have white layers and I would put a Jaerhon egg or two in with the dark eggs just so I had something to candle.
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Yeah, the incubator hatcher is in the cellar. I usually check it a couple times a day to see if temps are holding but I have an incubation timer under my computer monitor so I can be online and at any time I know when they're supposed to hatch.
Out of sight, out of mind lets me get more work done.
Candled last night lol. 5 little guys moving around, 3 others (one I believe has a blood ring my daughter thinks they are veins, its a tough one though ill give it until day ten).Other two are the blue/green eggs. ( smelled them seemed fine to me, one seems a little porous so I doubt its viable other might have a chance)

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