First night out - wish me luck!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
Clock End Farm, Georgia
Well, y'all, I got brave and decided to get my 6-week-old Buff Orp chicks outside to their coop for the first time.

They seem REALLY glad to be out there, settled very quickly, hunted and pecked and scratched for a while, and now they seem to be digging themselves a nest in the dirt floor in the corner. They'll probably spend the night there since that seems to be their favorite direction.

Since it's supposed to go down to 45 degrees tonight, I do have Mama Heating Pad out there ready to turn on for them at dusk. Hopefully they'll figure out she's there and she will keep them toasty!

Anything else I need to think about (besides food, water, & chick grits of course)?


Cute coop! It looks like you are all set.
Cute coop! It looks like you are all set.

Thanks! It's intended to be a chicken tractor (you can't see the wheels, but they're there, on right hand side) but I'm not using it as such. It'll be a night coop with run attached once I, umm, finish the run. (I've had viral pneumonia and am SO far behind with farm work!)

I'm told this coop is an old Tractor Supply model that they don't make any more. It has a nice high roost and a nesting box. Bought it used, pressure washed it, disinfected it & let it sit for a year. Good size for 2-3, which is all I've got. The only mod I'd like to make is to be able to lock down those side hatches against critters. Just haven't figured out the best way yet.
Maybe just some hooks and eyes down low and on the sides? I'm a fan of those. Impressed you are getting things done despite pneumonia! :)

Thanks, I'll take a look and see if hooks and eyes would do it. Right now that requires more brain cells than I have left, I'm afraid. It was a miracle I got this far TBH!

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