New Chicken Mama

Hi! I joined BackYard Chickens a few months ago to help get myself educated and have been following a ton of interesting and fun stories, articles, etc while patiently waiting for my new baby chicks to arrive. I am FINALLY a new chicken mama as of yesterday and starting my journey into the world of chickens. I was so excited when the post office called me at 7:30am Monday morning to tell me my babies had arrived. 4 Barnevelders, 3 Buff Orps and 3 Black Rock. One of the Buff Orps arrived a bit quivery and did not want to join the others. After a little coaxing, she started drinking more, eating and finally started hanging out with her flock mates. By afternoon, I couldn't tell any difference between her and the others so thinking she was just a bit extra stressed from her journey to Virginia. WHEW! Our first night was uneventful. They all settled right around dusk under the heat pad and I had to wake most of them up at 7am the next morning. Little sleepy heads, especially the Barred Rocks. One Buff Orp actually sprouted some wing feathers overnight. 😮 Now I see what you all mean - they do grow fast!! They seem to be fast learners because when I clucked to them this morning, most of them came running out from under the heating pad. I am so excited to have these precious babies and look forward to sharing my experiences with you all. Here's my first picture post. More to come I'm sure. ☺️
Eek! Those buff Orpingtons are GORGEOUS

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