First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I know they say sex is not influenced by incubation temperature,but something sure influences my hatches. I'm ALLWAYS heavy on males . 50/50 not even
I know they say that too... but some info says colder temps do get more girls the temp was pretty cold and results in a % of deaths of the fertilized eggs so it is surmised those were boys there is an experiment thread on BYC on this. Also some hens just seem to produce more boys or more girls. There is actually science studies behind the gender not working out 50/50. In a big Hatchery it is harder to fiddle with these variables but you can try with smaller operations to figure out which hens seem to produce boys mostly but you would need to set up breeding pens like they do for gamefowl so you know exactly which hen laid which egg.

Other fun but iffy methods... egg shape some science is now backing it but it is really hard to do reliably but the science folks want to create a machine that measures the eggs and discards the male eggs so the industry incubates less males... so not the total hokum we were told it seems, phases of moon and zodiac stuff, weather effects this I got to think includes more than temperature but also humidity barometric pressure, possible seasonal effect could have to do with hormones of the hen and or light, pendulum presexing the eggs...

Pretty much all of these are on BYC somewhere, some are just fun, or help organize ones chores I think. For more of the could be ones they might work together.

I thought of diet too, in many cultures there are foods they don't feed women to try and skew the numbers toward boys as certain foods are suppose to create girls others boys... sounds crazy, but not totally untrue, women's body chemistry at the time of conception can be more hostile towards one gender of sperm over another... people tend to do to their livestock what they do to themselves... so there is no doubt some traditional folklore on feed too. I know the hen decides gender, just saying there is probably no no lists of foods that could be tried on hens to see if you get more boy or girls.
Last night I made the best chicken I've had. We broke it into small pieces with vegetables and rice, but this is just the chicken.
Stovetop Slow Cooked Thighs
-Tajin (Seasoning)
-Chicken Thighs
-1-2 Onions
-A Clove or two of garlic
-A large pot with a removable top
-Olive Oil

Turn the stove to high and place the pot on it. Put a generous amount of olive oil in it. Dice the Onions in there meantime. Pour the diced onions into the pot. Let the onions brown and place the chicken thighs. Occasionally turn the Thighs and add more olive oil. Mine were watery, and this made a water/olive oil layer that reached halway up the thighs and allowed them to cook like this. You should pour a generous helping of olive oil in to bring it to this height. After its cooked well on one side, add the garlic. When the other side is done, lower to low heat and put on the top. We left it like this for an entire batch of rice to cook, so I'm not sure exactly how long. Remove Thighs and enjoy.
I've commented before that science is still catching up to "wives tales"

I agree that old knowledge is not always bunk. Once I understood how hens can hold sperm so long it made a lot of old wives tales about chickens, horses and humans make sense... no one was really understanding it but it made the crazy ideas from way back make sense... people were observing something reporting on it and trying to explain it then applying that to mammals which does not really work but I could at least get the logic.

I use stuff people say is folklore, myth, superstition, just silly if I get repeatable results... if it works, it works, people can mock me don't care especially since I have lived long enough to have scientific studies or medical studies suddenly prove the thing I observed or learned is not bunk. So I am right now rereading some old chicken texts... I think I will research the "wives tales" to see what science says and try some on my mini flock. First up is Black Pepper as a pesticide treatment for poultry cure from the 1600s.
I know they say that too... but some info says colder temps do get more girls the temp was pretty cold and results in a % of deaths of the fertilized eggs so it is surmised those were boys there is an experiment thread on BYC on this. Also some hens just seem to produce more boys or more girls. There is actually science studies behind the gender not working out 50/50. In a big Hatchery it is harder to fiddle with these variables but you can try with smaller operations to figure out which hens seem to produce boys mostly but you would need to set up breeding pens like they do for gamefowl so you know exactly which hen laid which egg.

Other fun but iffy methods... egg shape some science is now backing it but it is really hard to do reliably but the science folks want to create a machine that measures the eggs and discards the male eggs so the industry incubates less males... so not the total hokum we were told it seems, phases of moon and zodiac stuff, weather effects this I got to think includes more than temperature but also humidity barometric pressure, possible seasonal effect could have to do with hormones of the hen and or light, pendulum presexing the eggs...

Pretty much all of these are on BYC somewhere, some are just fun, or help organize ones chores I think. For more of the could be ones they might work together.

I thought of diet too, in many cultures there are foods they don't feed women to try and skew the numbers toward boys as certain foods are suppose to create girls others boys... sounds crazy, but not totally untrue, women's body chemistry at the time of conception can be more hostile towards one gender of sperm over another... people tend to do to their livestock what they do to themselves... so there is no doubt some traditional folklore on feed too. I know the hen decides gender, just saying there is probably no no lists of foods that could be tried on hens to see if you get more boy or girls.

Let me say with all due respect and having heard this before....


The sex is determined by the hen, some hens produce more boys some more girls..

Just lke some men have all sons and some have all daughters... Period...

Sorry to be blunt, (well not really) but this non-science where some one says test show, or studies prove....Never have a trustworthy study to quote just some anonymous test or study...

I need a University study or government study for me to buy it...OR I put it in the same class as dangling a ring over a chick to determine it's sex...

Maybe a ring dangled over a egg would work...If it swings left we keep the egg, swings right we eat it.....:lau
Gonna need a big ring Ralph. :) 20170614_205216.jpg

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