First Spring Eggs! Do your celebration dance here!


Chicken Lover, Duck Therapist
6 Years
Mar 11, 2017
South Park, Colorado, USA
This morning I found my first spring eggs! I was not expecting the winter laying strike to end so soon as days are still quite short and temps have been in the single digits. We actually bought eggs at the store about a week ago because despite my egg hoarding in fall we did not make it through the winter. I am beyond excited. I got one chicken egg AND one duck egg. Feel free to join the celebration and share photos and do your happy dance as your flock resumes laying!

I think mine are starting to resume and I have a new cream layer. I think it might be my polish. I actually stuck some of these cream eggs into my incubator and they are fertile 😁 so I'll find out soon who's egg it is!

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