First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

I'm a new chicky mama this year too! We have 8 chick's so far, all pullets. We went with 2 Buff Orpingtons,2 silver laced Wyandotte,2 barred rocks, and 2 Americauna. We are very new to this. Doing our research on deworming (we live in Iowa),and other health and medicinal topics. We're all very excited!
Bah! I love this! New chickies and chickies growing up.... Super excited! Well here are mine. We are starting out with 5, and we'll get another batch later on this spring when this group is out in the coop.

1. Lacey- Silver Laced Wyandotte

2. Lucy- Buff Orpington

3. Goldie- Golden Laced Cochin Bantam (hoping for a pullet)

4. Ethel- Barred Rock

5. Rose- Easter Egger
And then this is Ethel's one week pic.

And Goldie's feathers coming in beautifully!

We take them out ALL THE TIME for playtime, snacks, and snuggles.

And hello from Rose... her white feathers and fluffy muffs get me going with all the emotions.

We became brand new chick parents as of yesterday, with 5 2-day old chicks purchased from a local farm supply store. We have been talking about doing this and planning for months and are very excited! These are their 3-day old pictures! All the breeds listed are what the farm store told us.

This is Ginger, a Rhode Island Red.

This is Chipmunk, an Ameraucana.

This is Daisy, a Buff Orpington.

This is Trixie, a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

This is Raven, a Barred Rock.

We had a scare with Daisy last night, she was a little listless, but we tried the sugar water and she is just as perky as the rest of them today. I've been constantly checking them for pasty butt as well. And I don't think I'll ever get used to the way they sleep, I hold my breath every time I see them napping to make sure I see them breathing! Good luck to everyone on their new adventures!

Glad the sugar water helped. It is an old trick that my great uncle use to do to his when I was a little girl. I have always used it for the first couple days with all my chicks. I had over 100 chickens at one time years ago and said that I would never have that many again but it looks like I am well on my way to doing that (or more) by the end of this summer. Will be time to start selling them again... LOL. Around 40 that are almost 2 wks, 10 that hatched last spring that we kept, and just found out our son that lives with us just ordered 15 more (different breeds than we already have) that he wanted.
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Good morning! We started our journey a few weeks ago! We started with 6 straight run and decided to get 6 pullets after a week! I have 3 Black Austrolorps, 3 Black Jersey Giants and 6 Buff Operingtons! I am super excited to get on with this adventure!
Ok quick question on chick chicks are all the same age, I assume chicks will be like kids, but do they all develoce at different rates, my chicks are so different as far as size and wing development. I am just curious.
Ok quick question on chick chicks are all the same age, I assume chicks will be like kids, but do they all develoce at different rates, my chicks are so different as far as size and wing development. I am just curious.

I have only three breeds right now, but they all developed feathers at different rates and times. I have heard that that's often the case for different breeds. My easter eggers got their feathers in first, while my golden comet was second. My black australorps were last. What was interesting though, was that of my two black australorps, one got feathers almost an entire week before the other. The faster feathering one was even growing a bit faster too even from day one. I am a first time chicker though so I can't speak from extensive experience. But, I am going to assume that as you said "like kids" they can develop differently sometimes.
I have only three breeds right now, but they all developed feathers at different rates and times. I have heard that that's often the case for different breeds. My easter eggers got their feathers in first, while my golden comet was second. My black australorps were last. What was interesting though, was that of my two black australorps, one got feathers almost an entire week before the other. The faster feathering one was even growing a bit faster too even from day one. I am a first time chicker though so I can't speak from extensive experience. But, I am going to assume that as you said "like kids" they can develop differently sometimes.
Thank you my all of mine are developing differently even those of the same speckled sussex for example one has big developed feathers and the other still has looks like it is 3 days behind. Same with my silver laced wyandottes

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