First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

Maybe have some corid on hand before the chicks arive? I wish we had. We may have been able to save our little one we lost.

I just googled what Corid is for. I'm so sorry you've lost one. That does bring to mind the risk of getting new chicks. They would share a yard where my dogs poddy. I wonder if they could spread anything to my fur babies? Or when I have them in the brood crate in the house. New worries!
Getting new babies this week! Very excited but nervous. I'm a first time chick mom and am researching up a storm! I'm only going to get 2 or 3 to start. I don't want to be overwhelmed. I'll post pics soon! Any tips for prepping?

Have your brooder ready and set up so its warm and when you are home you can just put them inside immediately. :) And pasty butt... check regularly. We have one chick that seems more prone to it, so she was getting cleaned several times a day until we started putting olive oil around her vent, and then she hasn't had it as often.
Have your brooder ready and set up so its warm and when you are home you can just put them inside immediately. :) And pasty butt... check regularly. We have one chick that seems more prone to it, so she was getting cleaned several times a day until we started putting olive oil around her vent, and then she hasn't had it as often.

Thank you so much for bringing up pasty butt. I looked it up and am now fully aware of what it is and how to treat it. So many good tips!
I just googled what Corid is for. I'm so sorry you've lost one. That does bring to mind the risk of getting new chicks. They would share a yard where my dogs poddy. I wonder if they could spread anything to my fur babies? Or when I have them in the brood crate in the house. New worries!

Luckily it's mostly just Salmonella concerns. People should wash their hands after handling poultry and dogs/cats tend to be okay as long as they have competent immune systems.
Thank you so much for bringing up pasty butt. I looked it up and am now fully aware of what it is and how to treat it. So many good tips!

You are very welcome! I am a new to chickies too... so I have learned A TON in very little time thanks to BYC and asking lots of questions. Have fun and enjoy them! What day will you be getting them? How many? What kinds? And pics are a must!
First time chicken mama here. We got 8 straight run buff orpingtons from tractor supply about 2 weeks ago. One didn't make it, but the other 7 are happy and healthy. They're such sweet little things, and so full of personality. Hopefully at least a couple of them end up being girls haha.
We're giving them fermented feed, and they go absolutely bonkers over it, which is nice since they were spilling their dry feed everywhere and wasting a bunch of it.








Here's my guess on the genders:
Pic# 1 and 4 are roosters
Pic# 2 maybe rooster
And the rest are hens
@collie1470, what is fermented feed? I'm a new chick mommy, (got ours 3 days ago), and mine spill their feed everywhere! Also, the little tags on their legs. I had been wondering at what point we could put those on them. Apparently now is fine. LOL. will they outgrow these and need new ones?

Cute babies, btw. We got 5 "buff" from our co-op....I'm guessing they're orpingtons. We also got 2 goldsexlink pullets, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 3 bantams that they apparently didn't know the breeds of. I've posted in another thread on here and I've been told one of them is a mottled Cochin. The other two, I got different opinions on. So, I'm not sure what they are. But I love them! We are planning to get some ducklings and goslings in June. I seriously can't wait!


One of the possible Orpingtons


Rhode Island Red in front with one of the mystery bantams behind.


Mottled Cochin
@collie1470, what is fermented feed? I'm a new chick mommy, (got ours 3 days ago), and mine spill their feed everywhere! Also, the little tags on their legs. I had been wondering at what point we could put those on them. Apparently now is fine. LOL. will they outgrow these and need new ones?

Here's a link that will answer all your questions about fermented feed: Basically it is feed fermented by bacteria and yeast similar to yogurt or sourdough has a lot of benefits to feeding it.

Colored zip ties as leg put them on loose enough so that they can't pull off the foot but they have room to grow, but yes you will have to replace at least once. Be sure to check to make sure they aren't too tight frequently while they are growing or they can act like a tourniquet.

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