First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

I have had my chicks a week and i think the last ones i got have coccidiosis. Found diarrhea in brooder tonight. Is getting the Corid in the morning going to be ok do you think? Nothing is open
Lol let me tell you there is nothing more satisfying than catching a cockroach and throwing it in your brooder for your three week olds to hunt. They then run around playing evasive maneuvers as they steal it from one another!!! You get to see their little brains working and boy do they start chattering. My Dominique was the first to see it and the one to catch it. Little predator
Could being too cool also cause it. I left their light off all day because i live in florida and it was 86 today. And they are in the garage. They were moving all over so i thought they were good. Should i wait and see? They have never been outside yet.

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