First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016


I am another new first time "parent" to four Icelandic chicks that my daughter raised in class from incubation (she hatched 9 total). The babies hatched the 21st and 22nd of April and I have had them since Wednesday the 4th of May!

So far I think things are going okay here, one seemed to have a bit of a problem with it's wing (was holding it flat against it's body after trying to hop around) yesterday but by last evening it looked fine again.
I am having a bit of hard time finding grit here in Iceland, so their treats are on hold. I might have to buy from online!

But boy!! They grow fast!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello.
]I am a first time chicken mom. Just picked up 4, two day old chicks yesterday. They seem to be healthy and happy. They are already proving to be very entertaining and sweet. I chose a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Autralorp, Dominique and a Buff Orpington. The SLW is the loudest and most outgoing of the four.
]I am a first time chicken mom. Just picked up 4, two day old chicks yesterday. They seem to be healthy and happy. They are already proving to be very entertaining and sweet. I chose a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Autralorp, Dominique and a Buff Orpington. The SLW is the loudest and most outgoing of the four.


My two favorite pullets are a Dominique and a Buff Orp. They love to sit on my lap and be petted. The Dom is named "Einstein" because she is smart, bold, and curious. I have a few Black Australorps, but so far while they are nice, they aren't as interested in me.

Pictured are the butts of my two Americauna chicks that are 2 weeks old! I've started to notice that all of the chicks I have (1-RIR, 1-cuckoo maran, 1-brown leghorn 2-Americana) have tails that kind of cup their bum but one of the americana has tail feathers that stick straight up could this mean it is a Roo? They were supposed to all be ladies!

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