First Time Chicken Checklist.


Feb 25, 2024
Corbin, Kentucky
Could some of the more experienced chicken keepers create a first-time chicken checklist that contains essential items you MUST have, along with some additional options and their purposes for those of us who are just getting ready to get chickens? Possibly make it like a wiki-style list where additions can be added. I have a basic idea of what I need, but I am sure there are items that I am overlooking. If this has already been done, can someone point me to it? Thank you.
1. Chick starter/grower crumbles.
2. Feeders and waterers.
3. Heat. Heat bulb, heat plate, heating pad. Whatever suits you.
4. BIGGER brooder than you think, chicks double in size every week.
5. Litter, I use puppy pads, no dust no fast, can't eat them.

It's pretty simple.
Are you getting chicks or older/adult chickens?

For chicks I'll add on to @nuthatched list:
1. Chick starter/grower crumbles.
  • Sugar or an electrolyte supplement can be added to the water for the first day to give the chicks a boost
2. Feeders and waterers.
  • Chick grit on the side and something like marbles in the water to keep very young chicks from drowning. The waterer will need to be raised (on bricks, etc) as the chicks get older.
3. Heat. Heat bulb, heat plate, heating pad. Whatever suits you.
  • Thermometer for keeping the temperature in the correct range.
4. BIGGER brooder than you think, chicks double in size every week.
5. Litter, I use puppy pads, no dust no fast, can't eat them.

For adult chickens:
  • Predator-proof, well-ventilated coop - large enough to provide at least 4 square feet per bird inside; outside run should provide at least 10 square feet per bird; about 1 square foot of 24/7 ventilation per bird
  • Feeder(s), waterer(s), and supplement feeders
  • Rodent-proof containers for feed storage
  • Feed - layer feed is fine for a flock of laying hens; all flock feed or non-medicated chick starter/grower for flocks with mixed ages, roosters, non-laying and laying hens.
  • Calcium supplement - crushed oyster shell or egg shells
  • Grit - crushed granite is what the chicken grit from the store is made of
  • Bedding - try different types to find out what works best for you, your chickens, and your climate
  • Tools for cleaning the coop - shovel, pitch fork, rake, buckets, whatever works best with your setup and bedding
For chicks:
- Chick starter/flock raiser.
- Feeders and waterers.
- Heating bulb/plate/pad.
- Brooder bin/enclosure.
- Bedding (pine shavings, pellets, hay, etc)
- Chick electrolytes/NutriDrench

For adult chickens:
- Coop (obviously).
- Chicken feed.
- Feeders and waterers.
- Bedding (shavings, pellets, peatmoss, dirt, etc)
- Oyster shells/calcium supplement.
- Grit.
- Cleaning supplies (shovel, rake, etc)
- Anti mite powder (permethrin or diatomaceous earth)
- Treats (scratch, mealworms, etc)

Emergency Supplies:
- Bluekote.
- Vetrecyin spray.
- Liquid B-12.
- Poultry Cell (or) Nutridrench.
- Baby wipes (the cloth-like kind).
- Bandage wraps.
- Scissors & tweezers.
- Epsom salt.

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