First time chicken owner


Jan 19, 2023
Olympia WA
Just brought home 3 pullets . I’ve read they get stressed during the one hour travel to their new home. How long typically until they figure out the coop has a ramp and they can go down the ramp out to the run. After 2 hours in their new coop I made them go to the run. Hour later started raining and all huddled up under the coop. So I got nervous and put them back in the coop. Door is open but full sun outside and they haven’t come out. Should I just let them be for today?
Hello @Danedad. Welcome by BYC. You questions are very valid, but I'm afraid you posted them in the wrong area. You will have a hard time getting much feedback here. I recommend you do 2 things:

1- Please update your profile and include your general location. Many questions depend on climate/location/etc. That will help people provide better answers.
2- Click on "Forums" near the top of the page and find the one that best fits your question. This is important for all new threads so that people will be able to better find and help you. In this case, I recommend the "Managing your Flock" forum. Go ahead and create a new thread and re-post your questions there.

Good luck and welcome to BYC!

Edit: Looks like the mods have moved your post to the right forum. You should get better info now.
Give them some time. I would not be forcing them in and out as that adds to the stress. In fact if there's enough space and ventilation in the coop, I would keep them in the coop for the first few days to help home them to the coop.

Ramps are not something chickens naturally navigate so if they've never had a ramp before, they may need to be shown how to use it. You can use treats to lure them up and down (though while they're still so new, they may not respond to them at all) or gently herd them up the ramp at night to encourage them to use it.
Give them some time. I would not be forcing them in and out as that adds to the stress. In fact if there's enough space and ventilation in the coop, I would keep them in the coop for the first few days to help home them to the coop.

Ramps are not something chickens naturally navigate so if they've never had a ramp before, they may need to be shown how to use it. You can use treats to lure them up and down (though while they're still so new, they may not respond to them at all) or gently herd them up the ramp at night to encourage them to use it.
Ok I had the water outside the coop so I moved it inside so I am going to let them be and just check on their food and water supply daily. Thank you for the advice

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