First time duck owner

Thx for answering, but I think one is enough, I've searched on Google and they said "ducks are loyal companions and would rather have a human friend then a duck friend", that's maybe not what they said but it's close enough. Thanks for helping. P.S I'm lucky to get 1:D

Not sure who say's one duck. That is absolutely a lie!! You will be doing a horrible injustice to your duck. You as a human might feel lucky, but don't fool yourself. . If you care about your duck you would never have just one!!
I have a question. My female Rouen is so loud and I've found its when I'm out of her sight and when she's out of food. Is this and expression of her "love" for me? I can't sit with her all day but it's the only time she's quiet. This also just started since we came back from vacation and had our friend looking after them for 9 days. She gave me a piece of her mind when we returned and hasn't shut up since. Starts as SOON as she hears my feet hit the floor in the morning until she sees my face...I have my morning coffee with them and they just sit at my feet quietly but when I go back inside she starts up again. I even leave our back door open all day so she can hear and see me if she wants but unless I'm outside sitting she's won't stop. Only really curious. Our neighbors don't seem to mind and say they can't hear her but I don't know how they can't...shes LOUD. Makes it also a little difficult as I work from home and on conference calls they can hear her. Most laugh and find it amusing but not good when it's an important call. Haha...

Try a couple of unbreakable mirrors. Also put a cluch of fake egg's out. Maybe she will go broody, then you could give her a job to do.. ??
A goose raised with ducks will do fine and can be happy in a kiddy pool it's when other geese are introduced problems can come up but if they have all been together then they should remain close knit and the goose is probably already grieving it's lost some of it's family. Please post pics of the goose and drake and more of your 3 you have they are very pretty. welded wire will work fine for extra protection and space during the day as long as they are locked up at night not sure how they will all get along with your chickens though. Geese are very protective of what is theirs so you might want to divide your coop so one half is chickens the other water fowl. Then again if they are use to chickens it may work out fine that is something you'll just have to deal with as you bring them home.  My flock all eats the same feed.

Thank you for the detailed information

I am supposed to pick them up today or tomorrow. I have been busy fixing up fencing for my goats and haven't focused on the duck pen or moving chickens. I hope letting chickens free range and leaving ducks and goose in pen during day will suffice for now. They will have to all sleep together and I hope the goose fits through my tiny chicken door.

I will definitely post pics!
Thank you for the detailed information

I am supposed to pick them up today or tomorrow. I have been busy fixing up fencing for my goats and haven't focused on the duck pen or moving chickens. I hope letting chickens free range and leaving ducks and goose in pen during day will suffice for now. They will have to all sleep together and I hope the goose fits through my tiny chicken door.

I will definitely post pics!
Look forward to seeing them all. You may have to grease the goose up to get it through the tiny door.
The buff white Mohawk headed duck is the new one she said was male. I still don't see a drake feather. Maybe I don't know what I am looking for?

Any idea what kind he is? I thought she said the Mohawks were a defect?

She was on her way out so I didn't get to speak with her otherwise I would have asked her.
You can see my chicken door in the background. It has a heavy metal grate for a door and it's closed to the water fowl during the day so the chickens can go in the man sized door to lay
The won't quack while I'm right there but I hear lots of loud quacking so I still guess my other three are female.

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