First Time Hatcher, Nerves of Jello and *a Day One Update!*...

I do not recommend candling those eggs in your hand-twitching, nervous condition. I have found the reward of satisfying my personal curiosity is too great a risk of dropping the egg(s) in question, the uncertainty of temperatures/humidity rising and falling causing hatch failures, etc. To eliminate the chance to lay the blame of a failed hatch squarely my own shoulders, I don't candle my eggs. For these, your first feather-babies, I recommend putting them in your 'bator and let them ride until lock down. You can probably safely candle them at this point, as once they've reached this stage of development, life tends to find a way unless the embryo is already malfunctioning or disaster strikes (like a dropped egg).
On a side note, you boyfriend sounds like a keeper. Might wanna put a ring on his hand.

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