First time hatching, broody hen

Sad news this morning, I went to check on broody momma and one egg was busted with a very small embryo and another one had a fully developed chick but it didn’t make it. Momma had it under her wing and when I picked it up she was picking draw and shell of it. There are 2 eggs left that have big babies in them but I didn’t see movement although I only looked for maybe 30 seconds just to make sure they weren’t under developed. Any advice?
Just went back out there and candle both eggs. I saw possible movement in both but very small. This being my first time I’m not sure if it’s just a part of the baby floating or actual movements. How obvious are the movements at this stage? Also there are no pips or any noises that I could hear but I have 5 hens and 21 8-10 week old chicks running in and out of the coopto see what I’m doing and they didn’t cooperate when I said shhhh lol. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
So sorry for the loss. That baby looks pretty far along. At day 14 I could barely see into my eggs. Most were darker shelled. By lockdown (if you can call it that under a broody) I couldn't see a thing. I clearly need a better light to candle with. Once they pipped I could hear then peeping. They have a tendency to be a little less active at times when getting ready to hatch and even while hatching. They rest and build energy for the monumental task ahead.
They should hatch today. If not, they may not.
You can always try water candling them. I’m no expert on that but you float them one at a time in warm water. You want it warm enough they don’t cool down, but you don’t want to cook them.
If the chick is moving in the egg it will bob around on the water.

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