First time hatching, Lockdown!!!

I have two pips tonight. 8:00 and 8:30ish. First hatch ever -- YAAAY
Still only the two pips....they are working hard though......beaks are out, breathing and peeping.

Only on day 20 though so i'm trying reeeeeaaaaaal hard to be patient.

They are americaunas, the membrane is pretty opaque, so i'm worried that they are too dry.
maybe tomorrow you will have some zips! what kind of bator? I got a hygrometer and kept it in the 60's. it shot up everytime someone hatched but they were all ok. I used a 1588
It's a home made job. It's pretty consistent so far in regards to temperature. It's quite cold here right now, so keeping the humidity up is a challenge.
Even with 2 water pans with sponges, it drops to 50 if I leave it alone. And it's in a closed bathroom with a humidifier.

The little guys are still working to get out, but they haven't really made any progress. I'm worried that they are stuck and can't maneuver inside the shell to break i understand why everybody has such a hard time just leaving them hard.
Pascal it is hard lol but I thought about it this way, if I opened it to save one, I would kill 3 more. sooo...I did not open mine!
I will get some pics when their owner comes to pick them up today. I took out the three that did not pip last night. they had giant air cells so were goners.
and I figured something else out too, if you shine a light in the bator the chicks will run to that spot and hang out under the light. so If they are knocking one around that is having a hard time you can draw them away with a light. they ran over and flopped down under my flashlight. the other egg could hatch in peace.

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