First time hatching shipped eggs...

E.M. Silkies

9 Years
Aug 7, 2010
Ok so I just bought and paid for my first shipped hatching eggs. Im nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I havnt even set them yet, in fact they havnt even been shipped yet. Point is I'm nervous. I don't do well with gambles but I wanted to try this at least once. Any suggestions as to make it go smoothly and successfully?
Most shipped eggs you get a 50% hatch.

Be certain to have a good incubator. Low humidity for Marans. (since I don't know what kind of eggs you are getting)

Anticipation. it's fun.
Good luck!
Unpack the eggs and let them sit - to "rest" - overnight before you set them. That way you can check for cracks or breakage. Set up the incubator the day you get the eggs (or now, if you wish!) and run it so you can monitor the temps and all before you set the eggs.

Mark one side of each egg with an X and the other side with an O, so you can make sure they're turned (whether you or an auto-turner turns 'em) in the incubator. A pencil or even a Sharpie pen is okay.

Those are my suggestions.

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